Sihpromatum - I Grew My Boobs In China
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“… unparalleled by anything that could have been written in fiction.” – Reader Views“A most interesting story to tell - the locations and characters come to life.” - Writer’s Digest Sihpromatum (Sip-row-may-tum) is a memoir series of one family’s introspective, four-year backpacking adventure. In 2005, 14-year-old Savannah Grace's perfect world is shattered when her mother unexpectedly announces that the family would soon leave everything they know behind to travel the world. Best selling, award winning I Grew My Boobs in China takes the reader through China and Mongolia (the first of 80 countries visited).Nibbling roasted duck tongues in China and being stranded in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert are just two experiences that contribute to Savannah’s exploration of new cultures and to the process of adapting to the world around her.See website for photos and more info…

File Size: 1452 KB

Print Length: 386 pages

Publisher: Sihpromatum Publishing House (August 16, 2012)

Publication Date: August 16, 2012

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B008YZ0184

Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #234,272 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #134 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Ethnic & National > Chinese #460 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Travel > Travel Writing #1339 in Books > Travel > Travel Writing

Savannah Grace steps into the literary arena with a book with a title that for many may seem as though it will be a rather silly piece of `chick lit.' Nothing could be further from the truth. Grace is only 22 years old and has the class and the style of a seasoned performer in the manner in which she treats a maximally dysfunctional family story into one of the most tender and warm and wise (and hilarious), for the lack a better term, memoirs that absorbs all the angst of family dissolution post divorce, unfathomable adventure on an aimless backpacking trip through Asia and Mongolia that our author turns into a positive experience.The language of the book reveals an informative and fascinating report about her family's spontaneous year-long expedition across China, Mongolia and Russia. After her parents divorce, Savannah's carefree life with her friends, favorite dog, and normal family abruptly changed when her mother announced that Savannah and her two older siblings, Breanna and Ammon, were to leave school and home for a year of travel across Asia. We are not spared the 14-year-old Savannah's devastation to leave friends and also her worries about missing a year of school, yet despite Savannah's many begrudging, whiny pleas to her mother, they were off to an unknown world - and to an experience that would change Savannah's worldview forever.What happens during this extended journey into Asia and adulthood is an honest, rich accounting of encountering unique and endearing personalities, places, realizations, and an exploration of the world and life we all will envy.

A Blessing that initially appears to be a curse is the meaning of the book's title, as the author explains at the beginning. A clever name for an unusual book, one that proclaims the book's uniqueness. What is still unexplained, even by "Google," is the derivation of the word. Equally unique is the sub-title; one that will not be readily copied (or experienced!) by others.The immediate impetus to a family's global wandering was the divorce of the parents. Mom, after the divorce, realized that the world was full of new choices, and decided to lead her three children, Ammon, 25, Breanna, 17, and the author, Savannah, 14, on a back-packer's odyssey. The year is 2005, and they land in Hong Kong on the auspicious and alliterative date, as it were, of May 05. But first the reader is treated to the howls of protest from the author; she realizes that she is being torn from her niche among her peers in the early teen-age years in a comfortable Vancouver, Canada "life-style." It is, indeed a "curse," and whenever I thought the author might be overplaying the "protest card," turning it into a parody, I considered my own daughter's reaction to her trip to Vietnam, when she was 12: "Hanoi is my favorite city because that is where the airport is..." as in, in order to leave. And she also objected to the ants in the soup! (A little extra protein, my dear...)Savannah Grace is no Freya Stark, Gertrude Bell or even Lawrence Durrell. But how could she be, at 14? Fortunately, Ammon serves as the in-family expert, both on the logistics of travel and as the budget "master," but he also provides the history and significance of a time and place. Grace spends a lot of time describing the toilets... yes, you wouldn't want them to be like the ones back home, would ya?

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