A More Prosperous Planet, The New Formula For A Prosperous Global Economy
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Discover the effective way to maximize your personal profit potential, while simultaneously strengthening the global markets for lasting mutual success!Renowned author, investor, and economic theorist, Felipe Tudela, shares his formula, explaining why some countries are wealthier than others. His goal is to give you the most effective way to achieve your full wealth potential, while strengthening the global economy for lasting mutual success.Bringing entrepreneurs and the world together, while building and growing value and wealth, has never been easier. You will learn a path to success and profit where global synergy and personal strength form an everlasting, unbreakable bond.Mr. Tudela, who has invested and traveled throughout the world, has seen this phenomenon up close in many regions from North America, to Asia, to Africa. Tudela begins by explaining his discovery of the three vital elements that must be present for a nation to become wealthy, and why they must also be present for you to attain prosperity. The author then shares his discovery of the three personal or business adjustments, corresponding to each one of those three elements, which you can easily apply to achieve a new level of prosperity without struggle. Once the changes are in place, the formula by itself operates its magic. This book presents a new theory of economics that can be used by national leaders, organizations, and individuals in order to improve conditions globally. Throughout the book, the reader is treated to a grand historical analysis where cause and effect are easy to spot. The result is an eye-opening discovery that creates a profound understanding of the meaning of freedom, the current condition of societies, and the path to more enlightened and robust economies.This book could change your worldview forever. You will discover a simple and novel way to prosper, which you will be able to put into practice immediately after you finish reading it.Readers will learn about:The hidden driver of economic history and social revolutions as the powerful motivational force behind your personal and entrepreneurial wealth creation success.Why third-world countries are today more backwards than 17th century England, and what could easily be done, with your help, to put them on the road to prosperity, growth, and success. Why, perhaps most shockingly, a growing gap between the rich and the poor is needed for a country or an individual to grow and prosper.What politicians don’t want you to know about elections, votes and the political process; knowledge that will help you increase and protect your wealth.Economic theory and the key role of entrepreneurs within it: understanding the conditions for your personal and business success. The IMF, the World Bank, and the death of money: what you should know about them to protect and increase your wealth and profits. Bitcoin, digital currencies, the new world economics, and how they bring entrepreneurs and the global market, through commerce, closer together.The simple formula for the wealth of countries - and for your wealth too - with three easy steps you can follow to apply the formula to maximize your prosperity potential, and obtain results immediately.

File Size: 2468 KB

Print Length: 339 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Avantangle (October 9, 2015)

Publication Date: October 9, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #228,649 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #10 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Economics > Interest #13 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Economics > Inflation #18 in Books > Business & Money > Economics > Inflation

About time somebody wrote about helping people prosper instead of just demonizing success! It's been a while. Felipe Tudela offers facts, not politics; math, not mantras.As a trained engineer, I was hooked as soon as I found this phrase in the introduction: "Reality is always bound to win." Yes!! I have always said people need to experience the physical sciences and physical work. Then they know there are some inviolable rules--that reality does not adapt to our feelings or whims. This is why engineering professors are not the Marxist kooks that liberal arts professors tend to be. In the real world, those who break the rules cause explosions, fires, bridge collapses. Marxist theoreticians (like many politicians) need not face the results of their experiments. They insulate themselves while others suffer. The entrepreneur, bridge builder, or surgeon, however, must pay the piper if/when he/she screws up.Tudela seeks to explain the difference between the permanently limited wealth paradigm and the wealth creation paradigm. The former sets us against each other in a winner-takes-all cage match, while the latter makes a better world for anyone of good will and work ethic.Libertarians and conservatives should get copies of this book into the hands of as many as possible--particularly young people who have been poorly educated indoctrinated) by "progressive" schools. Since reality always wins, let's be sure we understand it!

Felipe Tudela has written somewhat of a modern economic masterpiece herein his book "A More Prosperpus Planet" his crystal clear entrepreneurialinsight and reasoning is just what the world needs after years of heavyhanded and iron fisted government control. But alas, even Mr. Tudela's brilliantentrepreneurial ideas may not work so well, in what most economist feel willbe a worldwide depression in or soon after the year 2016. But entrepreneurialthinking should not be so easily dismissed, even if the worst comes to pass.Because it was in the deepest depression of the the 1930's that televisionwas invented and marketed my entrepreneurs and then we went on to the 1950'swith millions of televisions being sold and because of this wonderful invention"We Had A More Prosperous Planet"

A must-read for all those wondering how global economics will be at the turnaround of the century.Showed off some great reflections around how technology, subtlety embedded in the social sphere, helps nurture the dynamics of a self-regulated community, developing an emotional (and sometimes erratic) dimension of currency.

If you are a freedom loving entrepreneurial libertarian, you'll love this book. Conversely, if you believe that capitalism is inherently evil, that we are not regulated enough, and that we must blindly follow along like sheep to the slaughterhouse because our government tells us so; then you'll find it impossible to digest. Well written and thought out book that will definitely stimulate the thought processes.

If you're familiar with Austrian Economic theory or anarcho-capitalism, this material will seem old hat. But it's always a refresher to see a slightly different viewpoint on what most of us Austrians know. Less government is better. More freedom for entrepreneurs is better. Less regulations are better. Only by increasing personal freedom, self responsibility and an acceptance to risk will we ever achiever national prosperity.Unfortunately, those that hold power want to do the exact opposite, so they can keep their power.

Very interesting and diverse viewpoints!! The author did a great job of explaining why some countries are richer than others. The resources that third world countries have is vastly different from the USA. This is a very educational and enlightening book.

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