File Size: 39519 KB
Print Length: 434 pages
Publisher: Gallery Books; Reprint edition (May 8, 2012)
Publication Date: May 8, 2012
Language: English
ASIN: B0061Q68VM
Text-to-Speech: Not enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #165,180 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #15 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Arts & Photography > Music > Musical Genres > Heavy Metal #78 in Books > Arts & Photography > Music > Biographies > Heavy Metal #82 in Books > Arts & Photography > Music > Musical Genres > Heavy Metal
I was never a huge Twisted Sister fan, but grew up in the 80's and loved the whole metal scene. I bought this book hoping to get an insight to the whole era, and how the music industry worked back then. Dee delivers on that story, but also delves into many other facets of his personal life, family, relationships, band history, and gives a great glimpse into how driven he was in his quest for superstardom, and what boundaries he overstepped to get what he wanted. Not just about the salad days, either. The rise to fame, life at the top, and the downfall of a multi-platinum band is all revealed, warts and all. He's also not afraid to reveal his inner fears and weaknesses, and his candor is something that a lot of other autobiographical authors should take note of. If only every book was this honest. Very well written. You'll either come away hating him, or admire him for his honesty. I'm sure Dee wouldn't have it any other way. Get this book!!!
If you're looking for yet another rock auto-biography (which the `rock-star' didn't even write himself) filled with tales of sex and drugs, then this book is NOT for you.`Shut Up and Give Me the Mic' was actually written by Dee Snider. It's well-written, intelligent, and very detailed (but not overbearingly so). In it, Dee often comes across as arrogant and even narcissistic (as much as I love the man, this should come as no surprise to his fans). However, there are plenty of moments where he is gracious and humble. There are some jabs at his band-mates, but he also fully discusses his failures and bad decisions that lead to the demise of Twisted Sister.The book is pretty long (over 400 pages), and gives a LOT of information about Dee's childhood, and how long and hard Twisted Sister worked to become the biggest band in the world, just to have it all fall apart almost immediately. I especially enjoyed the post-Twisted Sister segments, where Dee lost everything (besides his family, the one thing that seems to keep him together), and tried to resurrect his musical career with little success. I always wondered why the Desperado project (which included the amazing Clive Burr on drums) got shelved, and reading the details of that fiasco really illustrates how sick and twisted the record company industry is, and the political games these people play.An excellent read; I actually had trouble putting the book down. I would recommend it for any hard-rock fan. Even if you don't care about Twisted Sister, you might after reading this book.
Honestly, I am a diehard Dee fan and would have given this 5 stars if it was his shopping list. The fact is that the book is full of heart. I was truly moved several times. I loved hearing these stories of the Twisted records that have meant so much to me but there is alot more here to discover.This book is way more than a history of Twisted Sister. This is about a man that is a devoted father and husband who has had overcome so much and has always kept true to himself and his family. I felt like I was there with him through these many experiences. I was saddened as I reached the end of the book when there was so much more I wanted to know. I guess I will have to wait till part 2.
I was a big fan of Twisted Sister back in the 80's. While their look was always in question, their music was 'tongue in cheek' fun. I also admired Dee Snider for his intelligent statement during the PMRC hearings. I thought he spoke loud and clear for a lot of artists, and fans.I was eager to receive this book, and dig into it. I'm always fascinated by how bands evolve, and succeed.While I appreciate Dee's honest reflections of how things happened in his views, I have never seen someone use so many 'I, Me, and My' when referring to everything about the band. It's easy to see why this band fell so hard so fast by how Dee is so possessive about the band, and unabashedly makes himself sound like he had everything to do with the invention of the 80's rock scene. I'm not saying Dee isn't a smart man, or didn't have a hand in the scene, but my gosh. You'd think he invented every good thing about the 80's hair metal, and glam rock scene. I can't believe that everyone else was always in the wrong, and screwed him over. To his credit, he does own some of the shortfalls of the band Twisted Sister, but mostly, he comes off as the victim.It's hard to feel sympathy for someone that writes a book that makes it seem as if no one else in the band was worth anything, nor has a humble bone in his body. The guy is a true narcissist, as are most lead singers in bands, but Dee Snider is easily one of the worst. He may very well be a good guy, but this book came out of the wrong end.
Awesome book. Finally a rock and roll memoir that isn't filled with mindless stories of drinking, drugs, and sex. Dee's rise and fall and rise again is refreshingly told with pride and with humbleness. Ultimately, what's important is family. An inspiration to all of us.All the SMF's are looking forward to a new Twisted Sister album and full tour. You guys should do it and go out with that bang you always wanted.
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