File Size: 9411 KB
Print Length: 408 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 2 edition (June 13, 2013)
Publication Date: June 13, 2013
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #132,319 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #15 in Books > Business & Money > Finance > Corporate Finance > Private Equity #31 in Books > Business & Money > Finance > Corporate Finance > Venture Capital #196 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Investing > Investing Basics
The private equity industry is varied and fast moving and it can be difficult to find relevant and up to date books on the topic. In my experience, books in this area are either dry, specialist texts, focusing on a narrow aspect of the field, or more discursive (but less objective or factually informative) observations on deals and personalities. All these books have their place, but it can be difficult to find a good general introduction to the industry.This book, however, provides a comprehensive and detailed overview of the private equity industry, covering (among other matters) its history and development, the structures and objectives behind PE firms, and a guide to investment and diligence processes. However, the generality of the book does not stop it from being full of detailed facts and astute observations and I felt that I came away with a number of new insights after reading the same.I therefore feel that this is a good book for many audiences, for both those who want to understand the PE industry and for those that work within it. I suspect this book will be of particular value to those who would like a wider view and a fresh perspective on the market in which they operate.If I had one criticism, it would be that the book could merit more analysis of the Asian PE market (as currently there is only a short section which focuses on India and China). However, I imagine that this may be due more to the relative youth of the PE industry in Asia and assume that later editions may expand upon this.
Anyone wanting to get a comprehensive, deep, and complete overview of the Private Equity industry should own a copy of Cyril Demaria's book. The author merges his vast experience in the field with the frameworks and concepts that the industry is built on. The book is an easy read without skipping on the important (and often tricky) subjects. Demaria manages to strike a balance of covering all major topics to give an overview as well as going into detail to highlight how concepts work out in practice.When buying the book I wanted to get a refresher having a basic knowledge of how the industry works as well as isolate and identify the areas I wanted to dive in deeper.I can highly recommend this book for anyone trying to acquire an better understanding of the industry as well as industry veterans who want to make sure they can explain their work to industry outsiders.
This book was written by someone who really hasn't practiced Private Equity at a high level - I guess that's why he had time to write it!
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