Hardcover: 178 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (March 8, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470488689
ISBN-13: 978-0470488683
Product Dimensions: 6.4 x 0.7 x 9.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (9 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,713,428 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #192 in Books > Business & Money > Finance > Corporate Finance > Valuation #11156 in Books > Business & Money > Investing
Bart Madden has written a book that steps back from the details of financial analysis to look at the big picture of how wealth is created, wealth for everyone in the society. Here is a man whose claim to fame is developing insights and creating tools to better understand and analyze financial data, who pulls from a lifetime of experience to explain what lies behind these data. He steps away from balance sheets and stock reports to show us how systems thinking, the life-cycle perspective, and lean organization are critical to the effective working of our free market system.Madden builds his perspective on some foundational principles that are not generally thought of when people consider corporate performance and capital markets: The notions that WEALTH CREATION == VALUE TO CONSUMERSand CAPITAL == EMBODIED KNOWLEDGEare not points of view that one finds articulated in the pages of the Wall St. Journal, Forbes, or even The Economist. They are, however, well documented in the data on economic performance and valuation presented in the book and in the long view that Madden advocates, in opposition to the short-term passions and immediate problems that color most people's identification of what's important.As Madden clearly states (p. 21), the basis for the appeal of these ideas is that they aim at recreating, through the reforms in corporate governance and public policy that he advocates, a system whose benefits "are delivered to all members of [the] society," not for the narrow privilege of a few.
Madden combines several concepts like systems theory, lean production, Deming's Plan-Do-Check-Act learning cycle, key performance variables (metrics) and a valuation model with greater emphasis on the cost of capital (including human capital) into a "competitive life-cycle" view of the firm.Companies that adopt Madden's methodology should be better able to overcome Schumpeter's model of high innovation followed by competitive fade, maturity and eventual failure. Shareowners are more likely able to key in on valuation issues using a longer-term perspective and are likely to be less startled with earnings surprises using Madden's framework.Madden argues against "fair value" accounting, arguing that a measure of economic return should express what was received, against what was given up. That can't be properly measured if the original cost outlays are unavailable but supplementary information on estimated market value would be a plus.Although he recognizes the need to account for intangibles (especially around human capital), he provides little guidance in this area other than recommending that whatever definitions are utilized should be tagged using XBRL to enable fine-grained analysis. However, one slim volume can't be faulted for not providing detailed guidance to every step in a recipe.The book includes a helpful chapter on corporate governance where he calls most management arguments against greater shareowner involvement like their supposed short-termism "a smoke screen because the plain fact is that CEOs want to either hand-pick board members, or at least have veto power over nominees.
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