Texas Tragedy: The Story Of Priscilla Davis: A True Story Of Money, Murder And Survival
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In 1976, one of the most notorious murder scenes played out in Ft. Worth, Texas. Cullen Davis was one of the richest men in Texas and his second wife, Priscilla Davis, with whom he was divorcing, was shot in their mansion. Also shot and murdered were her twelve-year-old daughter and her thirty-year-old boyfriend, Stan Farr. Priscilla and two other people said it was Cullen. The culprit was wearing a wig so his identity was somewhat hidden but not completely. Cullen was arrested in the early morning hours of August 3, 1976, at his girlfriend's house. He later went on trial for the murder of Priscilla's daughter. He was found not guilty but the next year he was put on trial for a murder-for-hire plot to kill the judge overseeing his divorce from Priscilla. He got off from that charge, too. And somehow he finally skirted any murder charge for Stan Farr. Finally in 1979 he and Priscilla were divorced. Priscilla received 3.3 million dollars and Cullen was able to move back into his 19,000 square-foot mansion. Two books have been written and a movie was made describing these events and characters. But nothing has been written about what really happened in the decades after the trials of the 1970's.This book explains the facts of that fateful August night and what happened in the courtrooms of Texas. But the majority chronicles the path Priscilla took after the trials of the 1970's. Priscilla was not done with Cullen yet and she would try tirelessly to obtain some kind of justice. She also decided to have a little fun along the way. The press loved Priscilla but the general public were split. She had been painted as a low-rent gold-digger in the Texas courtrooms but everyone also knew that Cullen was probably guilty of murder. In the end, only the two of them really knew the truth. This is the story of how Priscilla learned to live with the fact that justice was denied her and Cullen would probably never pay. In 1995, a 26-year-old man named Greg Brown moved in with Priscilla, who was now 53. They became lovers and Greg tells how Priscilla learned to make the most of tragic situations which were both of her making and not of her making. It's a story of struggle, love and compromise even in the most dire of circumstances.

File Size: 780 KB

Print Length: 306 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: April 26, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #17,775 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #21 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People > Rich & Famous #55 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People > Rich & Famous #78 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Biographies & Memoirs > True Crime > Murder & Mayhem

I am soo grateful to have found this read!Priscilla was a true woman with grace and an inspiration to all!She suffered tremendously and never lost her spirit of became bitter.It is a real disappoint that you can get away with murder in TEXAS!Only God can give us peace in one gets away with evil!Thank you for writing this book and loving her till the end!I can only say, everyone should be blessed!Tearfully and lovingly,M

This book is an easy read and a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. As a native Texan, I watched as all of Priscilla's trials unfolded in the press. Through out it all, she struck me as tenacious and brave. She faced off against a much bigger opponent and did not back down.I was happy to read that when her life was coming to an end she was taken care of by someone who loved and adored her,

I personally met Priscilla Davis Greg Brown is a former co-worker at Neiman Marcus and good friend to date Priscilla a lovely and full of joy and gracious person I met her during her last years. This brings back the time Greg would tell me of this tragedy and now after this time it is in printA excellent easy to read and hard to put down book well done Greg.

I didn't expect this book to be this good or to have two completely different stories. A woman who had it all, or so we thought, loses so much and endures, at least for a while. I cried during the last chapters.

Interesting story but the book is poorly written. Lots of typos. Priscilla Davis lived her life of excess and entitlement to the extreme. She lived recklessly and her decisions were foolish at best. The saddest part of this book was not her death but rather her trainwreck of a life.

I moved to Texas in 1979. The story of the Ft Worth millionaire and his flamboyant wife who had been brutally shot in her home. The injustice for her murdered daughter and lover were the classic story of the good ole boy network and what "old" money could do.This book is a final chapter of a woman who lived life in her own terms. It was obviously written with a heart full of love.

Very interesting story of Priscilla in the years since the trials. Even though she was down, she was never out. Very interesting portrait of a truly lovely woman. Easy read, I read it in one evening. An interesting story and very well written.

Priscilla lived her life to the fullest. She let no one rain on her parade. Her marriage to Cullen was a disaster and that shooting was murder. He got off because of his wealth and connections. She never gave up. She look adversity in the eye and smiled. Priscilla star shown bright.

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