Profiting From The World's Economic Crisis: Finding Investment Opportunities By Tracking Global Market Trends
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Praise for Profiting From the World's Economic Crisis "Someone is going to make money in the next decade. Perhaps Bud will help you find your way." —Jim Rogers, cofounder, Quantum Fund; author, A Gift to My Children "Where everyone today has an opinion on everything, much of it gleaned from a blog, Bud Conrad's constant mantra is 'What does the data say?' And then he rolls up his sleeves and works almost around the clock for as many days as it takes to get to a defensible answer. In other words, there are those who talk, and those who do. Bud does. In Profiting from the World's Economic Crisis, Bud tells you what the data shows about the risks and opportunities just ahead. You'll want to pay attention." —David Galland, Managing Editor, The Casey Report "Bud Conrad's book is a brutally honest journey into the future. Honest because Bud builds on facts, not popular opinion; brutal as he¿illustrates the logical consequences as global dynamics play out. You can't afford not to read this book." —Axel Merk, President and Chief Investment Officer, Merk Mutual Funds; author, Sustainable Wealth "This book could not be better timed, as the government and Wall Street do their best to convince the public that the financial storm has passed. Bud Conrad begs to differ and using his unique ability to take complex data and distill it into straightforward charts, he not only explains how the hurricane developed, but why it's far from over. He then goes on to show investors not just how to survive the storm's resurgence, but how to prosper." —Steve Henningsen, Chief Financial Strategist, The Wealth Conservancy "Right now you may be asking yourself 'What's going to happen to the economy, why is it happening, and what can I do to profit from it?' As far as I'm concerned, Bud has the correct answers to these questions. Among other things, this book will become 'the' reference book for data and charts that economists and investors will go to for years to come. I urge you to read this book—now—and act on its advice." —DOUG CASEY, Chairman, Casey Research, bestselling author, Crisis Investing

Hardcover: 464 pages

Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (April 26, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0470460350

ISBN-13: 978-0470460351

Product Dimensions: 6.5 x 1.4 x 9.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (26 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,169,067 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #80 in Books > Business & Money > Economics > Interest #2491 in Books > Business & Money > Investing > Introduction #3475 in Books > Business & Money > Economics > Economic Conditions

Most of the other reviews (as of 02/12/11) covered the same themes, so I'll try to touch on other points. The author wisely asks the reader to digest the arguments and evidence he presents instead of skipping to the chapter advising actual investments. I agree, but since my comments relate specifically to the investment advice, I'll need to mention what that advice is.1. The "trade of the decade" is to bet on rising interest rates. Average investors don't have a good method of doing so. One can use an inverse long-term treasury ETF or fund, but these don't track very well over the long term. The other option is to invest in futures, which is outside the scope of average investors. So a bit more thought on how a typical IRA investor might exploit rising interest rates would be good.2. Other highly recommended investments are commodities (especially agriculture) and precious metals, as well as commodity producers like gold miners and energy companies. But sky-rocketing commodity prices always bring out accusations that investors are bringing hunger and cold to the poor through speculation and hoarding. The possibility that such investments will be banned by the government is not addressed, but is a real possibility. I think discussions of some Plan B would have been helpful. Maybe there are no Plan B options - that would be helpful information as well. Outlawing the ownership of gold or other restrictions is always a risk in extreme currency crises.The very wealthy seem to always have options like moving their wealth abroad, or buying into hedge funds that can do things the average mutual fund cannot. As a small retail investor, I feel my options are much more limited.

First of all, let me dispense with the negative:What an awful title for the book! It makes it sound like a guide on how to exploit the human suffering of the economic crisis in order to stay afloat oneself.-----What the book actually IS, is a detailed analytical assessment of today's US economy and where it is likely to head in the coming years. Which, of course, is not only useful for us to try to better understand the world around us, but for those of us who are investors to make prudent decisions about where to put our savings.I have read a number of recent books on the economy. There appears to be a lot of consensus among the intelligent writers on contemporary economics- for example, 1). We are in a deep crisis of overleverage brought on by an accumulation of excessive debt that has gone on for 2-3 decades. 2). The inevitable consequence of this is a massive deleveraging.One area where experts do differ is whether deflation or inflation will dominate in the coming years. The crux of this disagreement lies in whether one believes that the Federal Reserve has the ability (and the willingness) to turn deflation to inflation through massive money-printing. Conrad clearly falls into the latter camp, and he does so, in my view, very persuasively. (Another area of dispute between the deflationists and inflationists is the extent to which the government will continue to engage in (inflationary) deficit spending.)At any rate, Conrad's view is that all this is leading us to a currency crisis for the US dollar in coming years. This is a hypothesis that many other contemporary economic commentators have proposed.

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