Organizing For Social Change 4th Edition
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Now in its fourth edition, here is the comprehensive manual for grassroots organizers working for social, racial, environmental and economic justice at the local, state and national levels. Since 1973 the Midwest Academy has trained more than 30,000 activists in progressive organizations, unions, and faith-based groups. This Midwest Academy Manual for Activists is central to its training programs and seminars, and it provides an invaluable reference source for organizers throughout their careers. Also included are anecdotes about a wide variety of real organizations working on issues concerning labor, the environment, health care, racism, immigration, peace, religion, energy, public campaign financing and more. Whatever the progressive cause, this is the manual that can help guide organizers and ensure that they continue to reach their goals with efficiency and dignity. USE IT AND ORGANIZE!

Paperback: 416 pages

Publisher: The Forum Press; 4th edition (January 22, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0984275215

ISBN-13: 978-0984275212

Product Dimensions: 10.6 x 8.5 x 1.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (10 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #136,246 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #88 in Books > Business & Money > Economics > Labor & Industrial Relations #88 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > Specific Topics > Labor & Industrial Relations #153 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > Public Affairs & Policy > Social Policy

This book is based on the organizing model of the Midwest Center for Labor research, but could be useful in any type of organizing -- from citizen's groups to national policy campaigns. The book takes you through a step-by-step organizing model that helps you to define your goals, choose an issue and think of strategies and tactics for accomplishing your goals. It contains many worksheets that would be useful for group decision-making processes. Unlike most organizing manuals, this one is clear, concise, and very helpful

Organizing for Social Change is a fantastic primer to leading change in a community or organization. It is a rich resource with more helpful insights and instructions than most books of its type. However, having myself worked with groups seeking deep or systemic change, it is light on the leadership dynamics that make such change possible. It assumes a high level of competency and proficiency in a number of areas, and the simple fact is that people need time and guidance to become comfortable leading change. A fantastic companion volume to this book would be Donelson Forsyth's, Group Dynamics. Together, these two books cover the full scope of personnel and process issues required for effective social change.

This appears from what I've read of it to be a very useful manual for people interested in what the authors (and others) call "direct action," which ironically means working to force others, e.g., politicians and business leaders, to make political or organizational changes. It doesn't claim to be useful for people who wish to participate in work that provides a direct benefit (e.g., reducing carbon footprint by changing individual habits, providing shelter for the homeless, etc.), and as a person interested in THAT kind of action, it wasn't at all useful for me.Their clear focus on "direct action" is admirable and probably very useful to those involved in this crucial type of work. My not-so-high rating only reflects the ambiguity of the title (many of us organize for social change in our communities without involving ourselves in trying to force anyone to do anything) given the book's lack of use for other purposes. Unfortunately there are not many resources available for those of us participating in direct work rather than "direct action." I don't propose that they change the book, only that the title or subtitle be clearer.

The Midwest Academy has one of the most widely used and thoroughly developed methodological alternatives to Alinsky-style community organizing in the United States. This book uses plain language and straightforward presentation to explain the wisdom and core synthesis of over forty years' on-the-ground work in campaigns organizing for community power and hundreds of week-long trainings teaching these techniques to thousands of other organizations. If you can't attend the organization's week-long trainings, this book presents the bulk of the materials presented in those workshops alongside examples, tools, templates and practical advice in a manner that makes you feel like you have privileged access to the organization's curricular materials.If you are looking to organize for power in your community, your workplace, your school, or your organization, "Organizing for Social Change" is an invaluable guide to help you strategize and execute your plan while maximizing collaboration and collective empowerment. As a longtime organizer, I cannot recommend this book highly enough, especially as a operational supplement to more conceptual or narrative introductions to organizing like "Rules for Radicals," "Stir It Up," or "Roots to Power."If you're looking to bring about real, concrete changes in people's lives through collective action and community empowerment, this book is one of the best resources you can have.

Excellent helpful for organizing against water bottling plant in our town.

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