Santana: Authentic Guitar TAB
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Contains: Aqua Marine * Black Magic Woman * Europa (Earth's Cry Heaven's Smile) * Everybody's Everything * Evil Ways * Incident at Neshabur * Jingo * Open Invitation * Oye Como Va * Samba Pa Ti * Song of the Wind * Soul Sacrifice * Toussaint L'Overture * Transcendence * Winning.

Series: Authentic Guitar-Tab

Sheet music: 80 pages

Publisher: Alfred Music (January 1, 1995)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0897245164

ISBN-13: 978-0897245166

Product Dimensions: 11.9 x 8.9 x 0.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 9.9 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (5 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #592,198 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #40 in Books > Arts & Photography > Music > Musical Genres > Ethnic & International > Salsa #342 in Books > Arts & Photography > Music > Songbooks > Specific Artist #1240 in Books > Arts & Photography > Music > Songbooks > Guitars & Fretted Instruments > Guitars

A great assortment of some of Carlos' best. Bought it because it has my personal favorites (probably everyone's favorites). Music seems accurate, This is not "easy" and beginners best find something else. Tricky bends to get just right at the appropriate speed with pull offs from the bend and some challenging passages. Carlos is a great guitarist and accordingly plays material that shows off his skill. This is NOT Smoke on the Water.

Covers classic songs, I enjoyed it. Now I can learn some of my favorites.

A good buy!!

Pretty good

My son's guitar teacher recommended this book. Got it for him for Christmas and he loved it. Very nice.

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