Marie Antoinette: An Intimate History
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As the youngest daughter of the Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, Marie Antoinette was born into a world of almost unbelievable privilege and power. As wife of Louis XVI of France she was first feted and adored and then universally hated as tales of her dissipated lifestyle and extravagance pulled the already discredited monarchy into a maelstrom of revolution, disaster and tragedy.This illustrated first biography by historian and writer Melanie Clegg takes a fresh look at the story of this most fascinating and misunderstood of queens, exploring her personal tribulations as well as the series of disasters that brought her to the guillotine in October 1793.Melanie Clegg is the author of five historical novels and is also a regular contributor to Majesty magazine and her own women's history blog Madame Guillotine. Her second biography, a life of Marie de Guise, is due to be published by Pen and Sword Books in 2016.

File Size: 1922 KB

Print Length: 284 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Madame Guillotine (May 16, 2015)

Publication Date: May 16, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #52,413 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #21 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > History > Europe > France #33 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Historical > Europe > France #43 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People > Royalty

This book is exactly what the author, Melanie Clegg, wanted it to be: a light yet thorough biography of Marie Antoinette. Told in her conversational yet informative style, this book is incredibly readable and full of facts that were new to me. I particularly liked her description of the royal family's time in the Temple. Everything I've read previously made it sound like it was almost the same as Marie Antoinette's time in her cell at the Conciergerie, which it definitely was not. A highly entertaining and informative biography, recommended highly.

I loved this book. I've read a lot of books on Marie Antoinette, from The Queen's Confession 20+ years ago to The Memoir's of Rose Bertin, and quite a few of them bored me to death. Melanie Clegg's Marie Antoinette and Louis XVl aren't just historical figures, they're sympathetic, all too human people caught up in a fantasy world. When the revolution inevitably occurs, they are like children completely clueless as to how they got there and with no idea how to save themselves.This really is a wonderful book for anyone who loves history and Melanie Clegg is an extremely readable writer.

As an insight of the life and times of Marie Antoinette, Melanie Clegg's first biography is a great read. Fascinating details of Court life in the fishbowl of Versailles where the Royals were treated like exhibits in a zoo. As the author intended, this biography is light reading , and shows empathy for a much maligned queen. This is a book about a woman written for female readers.n

I am not qualified to judge the historical accuracy of this story. However, I found it compelling. I did not know understand the timelines of the French Revolution and this makes me want to read more. I would have rated it a 5 with better editing. There were a few places where I had to read a paragraph several times before I understood it.

I don't like giving negative reviews and this is actually the first time, but this book had the most horrible, most god-awful writing and grammar I've ever seen. I could stand it only for 4 or 5 pages. Please, before downloading this book, go and read a few pages first. What kind of sentence is this.... "Later she would be under the charge of a governess, who would oversee her education, but for now she was primarily cared for by her wet nurse Constance Weber, a magistrate's wife who had been specially selected as much for her beauty, 'pure principles' and good character (it being rather improperly believed that the appearance and personality of a wet nurse could be imbued along with her milk, which was probably fair enough if one was so unwise as to hire an alcoholic or opium eater for the job) as for the quality of the nourishment that she was expected to provide." Clear as mud! Every sentence is a looong-rambling mess where the beginning and end have nothing to do with each other. It seems as if she has tried to cram everything she can think of into each single sentence whether it fits in or not. Terrible!

Although I have read several books about Marie-Antoinette, I have to say this book by Melanie Clegg is one of the most enjoyable to read. Ms. Clegg thoroughly knows her subject and is familiar with the sources. Her writing style is delightfully witty and humorous with empathy and insight into the Queen's hardships and sorrows as well. Plus there are details I have come across that other authors forget or neglect to mention, but it is the little things that help one to fully grasp the period in which Marie-Antoinette lived her tragedy. It is the perfect introductory book for those who want to read about the Queen for the first time.

I really enjoyed with book, full of useful information and the author did their research. I don't read historical biographies often, scared that they are just too dry and boring to keep my attention, but this kept my attention.

Ms Clegg's book are always very readable and well-researched. I recommend them all.

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