File Size: 997 KB
Print Length: 385 pages
Publisher: Revell (October 1, 2010)
Publication Date: October 1, 2010
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #125,784 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #10 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Arts & Photography > Music > Musical Genres > Religious & Sacred Music > Hymns #11 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Music > Hymns #24 in Books > Arts & Photography > Music > Musical Genres > Religious & Sacred Music > Hymns
I downloaded this book over a year ago when it was available for my Kindle. I used it every morning as the beginning to my devotional time throughout the entire year of 2012. Mr Morgan is an amazing researcher, historian and musician who knows his stuff. This book spoke to my heart in ways I never expected, and as time passed I found myself looking forward with anticipation to the song coming next. It's a great way to begin each morning! Some of the songs are so buried in time that I didn't know them at all, but others dropped their message and notes into my heart and I hummed them all day long. I highly recommend this book for its brief (5 minutes or less) devotional thoughts and charming reminder of the hymns of my growing up years!
This book has shown me so many new hymns & writers about whom I had not known. It brings a wealth of historical Christian worship to the seeker. Refreshing! The hardest part is trying to share the hymns with friends & family. Some are available online; for others I was unable to find the additional stanzas mentioned in the book, or the melodies.
I am enjoying this book and reading it day by day. Robert Morgan has researched the lives and stories of these great hymn-writers, most of them from many years ago. Whilst there are some of the hymns I don't know and have never heard, the words are inspiring nevertheless. In addition to the lesser-know hymns there are lots of hymns that I have known since I was a child and have loved them. The stories as well as the hymns are quite inspiring and I find pleasure and inspiration in the book
What an excellent devotional resource that not only is inspirational but also informative, giving historical facts concerning the background of some of the most well-known and loved hymns throughout the ages. I highly recommend this easy-to-read devotional for anyone who appreciates the timeless hymns of Christendom.
Great product from a good vendor. There could be an audio to go along with the book to follow the daily hymn.Still all in all a great book.
I discovered many unfamiliar hymns in this collection. I also learned a few new things about the authors and composers of many of the hymns. The hymn for each day was selected because it was the date of the author or composer's birth or death, the date it was first published or sung, or it was written or sung for a certain occasion, or it was significant to a certain event that happened on that date. Each devotional reading began with a brief story about the author or the hymn, then included the lyrics of the hymn, and ended with a Bible verse that related to the hymn.
This wasnt exactly the book I thought it was my fault for not looking close enough. But I am so glad it wasnt . This book is so much more. Gives a daily devotion as well a word to great old hymns. Great book. Very good author. Have others by him. Worth the money.
I've always considered the hymns my friends. And so, I've always loved the stories behind their creation. This is a 365-day devo that blends the powerful lyrics with those stories. It introduces us to the hymnwriters and to the times in which they lived. I'm enjoying this immensely. It doesn't replace my personal quiet time in the Word, but it certainly does enhance it.
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