Country & Blues Harmonica For The Musically Hopeless With Cassette(s) And Other (Klutz)
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The instruction book comes packaged with one Hohner harmonica and one instructional cassette.

Series: Klutz

Paperback: 112 pages

Publisher: Klutz Press; Book/Cassette/Harmonica edition (November 1984)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0932592082

ISBN-13: 978-0932592088

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 x 1.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (24 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #953,643 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #92 in Books > Arts & Photography > Music > Instruments > Woodwinds > Harmonicas #765 in Books > Children's Books > Arts, Music & Photography > Music #225021 in Books > Reference

I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in learning to play the harmonica. I've tried several beginner harmonica books and this one is by far the most fun and easiest to learn from. The major emphasis is on learning to play "cross harp" blues and country riffs in accompaniment to guitar music, but it also contains one of the most extensive lists of "straight harp" tunes of any beginner book I've come across. While the other books I tried were pretty dull, this book's fun and easygoing approach kept things interesting and helped me stay motivated to practice. I also found the multimedia approach of using a book + tape far superior to using a book alone. If you're a complete beginner to the harminica, I think this is a great place to start learning how to play. If you've tried a few other books only to become frustrated because none of them helped you progress from playing a few simple tunes to playing blues and country riffs in accompaniment to other music, give this one a try. It will put you on the path to cross harp country and blues improvisation.

I bought this kit (book comes with a harmonica and cassette tape) over 10 years ago. I always liked blues harp, but assumed it would be like all those other instruments I could never master. This book/tape combination makes it a snap.Within a few months, I was sounding good enough to be asked to play in bands--and I still do not read music well. No need to, you just follow the guidelines and you will sound great!Best part was...all my early practicing was done in the car on the way to and from work. (I couldn't cup the hands right while driving, but could work on hitting the right notes)I am online now buying it for a friend who asked me where I learned to play if I could teach him.There is no better teacher than John Gindick.

Yes, I am a piano-lessons-dropout. Never could play a musical instrument, but now I am jammin' with a blues guitar! I practice along with the included instruction tape in the car and my commute is just a blast. It did not take long at all to get addicted and there is plenty on this tape to keep you busy for a long time. I imagine that I will eventually outgrow this 'first-timer' tape and get the intermediate instruction, but it will last you a lot longer than you think. It's fun to play along with the tape over and over again -- each time hearing yourself get better! I used the book just once to get started, went to the tape, and stayed with the tape ever since. The first time I heard the cool riffs on the tape, I thought "That is SO cool. I would love to play like that!" Now I am doing it! and coming up with my own variations. My plan is to get a tape that is 100% guitar (no instruction) and show my friends my jam session! I'll hedge my bets and make sure they enjoy a few drinks beforehand.Incredible, and what a deal for so much fun. By the way, when I bought this, [they] said it's a book and instruction tape. When it arrived it also had a harmonica (Honer Pocket Pal). This is my thrasher, throw-it-in-the-glove-compartment harp. Based on recommendations I found on the web, I bought a quality harmonica that's solid for beginners and can support you to intermediate levels (Lee Oskar Major Diatonic, Key of C). It plays very well.

When I wanted to learn blues harmonica I started asking around and searching the net. Everyone pointed me in the same direction. They told me Jon Gindick is the undisputed champ when it comes to harmonica teaching materials. And they told me to get this package. I got it, and couldn't be happier. The only thing I knew about music is that I liked it. Jon takes you through step by step from how to hold the harmonica, to basic music theory, to bending notes, and other techniques to get that blues sound you seek. Jon is clearly interested in getting people started on their way to a playing successfully. And the book is quite entertaining. Finally, getting a book, cassette, AND harp for this price is unbeatable. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

I've seen other harmonica courses that teach you how to play certain songs as well as other technical information. Jon teaches how to play to "any" song whether you heard it before or not! He makes it easy and you don't have to know a single thing about notes and music or anything! I emailed Jon and he said he is making some more tapes for 1998. I know he has alot of tapes. Yet, if you want a good "order" of his follow on tapes after the "Hopeless" tape then get: 1. Harp and Guitar Jam Vol. I 2. Harp and Guitar Jam Vol. II3. The Four positions of Harmonica

I've read a countless number of boring harmonica books that claim to teach you how to play, but they either assume you know things you don't, or go to fast, leaving out important steps. I've finally found a book that I actually found interesting and easy to learn from! I highly recommend this book to others.

For all those folks who find travelling is a large part of their week and who have a yearning to do something positive with their hotel time or just are a rock star wanna be, here's your answer. Harmonica's fit easily in a suit pocket and Gindick's cassette and book make learning fun and easy. It really is great to be able to jam with real musical accompaniment via the tape. You can then go back to the book and focus on building control and technique. Gindick is a master of simplicity that yields results.

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