The MindUP Curriculum: Grades PreK–2: Brain-Focused Strategies For Learning—and Living
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This research-based curriculum features 15 lessons that use the latest information about the brain to dramatically improve behavior and learning for all students. Each lesson offers easy strategies for helping students focus their attention, improve their self-regulation skills, build resilience to stress, and develop a positive mind-set in both school and life. The lessons fit easily into any schedule and require minimal preparation. Classroom management tips and content-area activities help you extend the benefits of MindUP throughout your day, week, and year!Includes a full-color, innovative teaching poster with fascinating facts about the brain! For use with Grades PreK-2.

Series: The MindUP Curriculum

Paperback: 160 pages

Publisher: Scholastic Teaching Resources (Teaching; 1 edition (February 1, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0545267129

ISBN-13: 978-0545267120

Product Dimensions: 0.5 x 8.2 x 10.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (45 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #6,960 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #5 in Books > Education & Teaching > Schools & Teaching > Curriculum & Lesson Plans > Curricula #17 in Books > Education & Teaching > Schools & Teaching > Early Childhood Education #48 in Books > Business & Money > Education & Reference

Age Range: 4 - 7 years

Grade Level: Preschool - 2

I am a second grade teacher with 27 wonderful years of experience. This is by far one of the most intelligently written programs I have seen to aid in the social and emotional development of children. I piloted the program this year and found the lessons and activities engaging for the students, and easy to implement for the teacher. The children learned so much about their brains, the way they think and process, and how to optimize the use of their brains and senses. I taught the program right before standardized state testing, and it greatly helped the students focus and feel calm during a stressful two weeks. I also incorporated the lessons as part of our community service unit. It fit in beautifully! I think all students, grade K-12, would benefit from the simple, yet powerful, ideas and skills put forth by the MindUp creators.The only suggestion I would have is to actually expand the lessons to be more step-by-step, with lists of materials to have ready. It took quite a bit of work to plan out, prepare and script out what I was going to teach. I would suggest the authors look to a program like Second Step or FOSS to make the program more teacher-friendly and to make sure all suggested resources are readily available (many books are out of print). Perhaps online teacher videos such as FOSS has would be beneficial?Nevertheless, these are minor flaws. The $25 I spent for the book made it the cheapest, best professional program I have ever purchased! I HIGHLY recommend it to all teachers concerned about the development of the whole child. BRAVO!

I actually bought the 3-5 version from a Scholastic Book order and then found out I was changing grade levels to 2nd grade for next year. So I came to and bought the K-2 version. They are different enough that I didn't want to try to adapt down.I have to say I am very pleasantly surprised with this resource. The information is interesting and I'm sure children will enjoy learning about how their brains work. The activities to help solidify what you are teaching children about how to be "mindful" (in a very simplified explanation, mindful is REALLY paying attention and being aware of your surroundings) and the journal activities and literature links are great. One of the activities suggests using an "I Spy" book to help children practice mindful seeing. I loathe those books most of the time because I really want my students to READ during reading but this is an activity that will truly allow children to enjoy the books they like but also understand how much more we notice when we pay attention to a certain thing.The book includes a big full-color poster of the brain and points out the parts of the brain that you are teaching about. There are also some reproducibles to go along with some of the activities that are included in the book. For me personally, the journal activities and literature connections made this resource worth the price.

A programme that I use twice a week in my Kindergarten group. I have seen a growth in impulse control and the ability to delay immediate gratification.

As a Special Educator who is also trained as an Occupational Therapist, I must say this is a super resource ( prek to 2) and I am so excited to use it. The book is chock full of information and suggests ways to present it to the children in ways that can be understood. Yes the brain has many complex parts but that is why you give the parts nicknames that represent the amygdala is the "security guard".. you could do so many additional things to make the brain parts understandable by using props and visual representations to go with the complex jargon. Since the book provided so many additional suggestions for other pieces of literature to support the ideas of mindful seeing, smelling, tasting, etc. I am able to use it across curriculum in language arts and hit on science through our 5 senses. Working with young children it is obvious that children's bodies and brains are different today than they were even 5 years ago, an epidemic of children who are totally disconnected to the concept of being mindful and I think unless we begin to intentionally teach this it's going to be another skill our children miss out on in this fast paced world they live in... Reasonably priced and easy to read...Kudos to Scholastic and The Hawn Foundation. Hopefully sooner rather than later our educational system will embrace children as more than the sum of their test scores!

I read the book in a day, and can't wait to share the lessons with my class. I'm going to use this as my differentiated supervision this year. If it helps my students, I'll continue to use it.

I am using this curriculum for homeschool my son. we are learning and enormous amount about ourselves and how we operate. Awesome material.

I';m a psychotherapist with strong education, training and experience in counseling people with PTSD and Acute Stress Disorder. Both books help me teach children tried and true methods for reducing the effects of trauma on the developing brain with age-appropriate methods.

In the past 6 decades we have thrown many fortunes at education. If it has worked at all, it has worked mostly for the most able students. The least able students have fallen further and further behind. The response has been to throw out more and more curricula with more requirements and more testing (and worse results). Teachers commonly comment/complain that they are dealing with students who are unprepared to sit in a classroom with other students in a way that all are in a good learning environment. (Some even declare that they fear for their lives.) The answer to better schools can be gotten from any farmer or gardener--If your garden is failing to grow food or flowers, the answer is not to buy more expensive seeds; it is to prepare the soil so that the seeds can germinate, grow, and flourish. These books present programs that can be integrated almost seamlessly with almost any curriculum. Using lessons learned from modern neuroscience, they are handbooks that describe techniques to help children learn about their own minds and how they can harness the latent power there to benefit the most from school. Schools that have used these methods report children who look forward to going to school and who learn more effectively--and happier teachers who feel they are being more successful in their profession--teaching children. School systems should be anxious to avail themselves of this knowledge and sign up for training in this curriculum. Until this is done, teachers should avail themselves of these amazingly inexpensive books. Everyone will come out ahead.

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