Series: The Dark Legacy of Shannara
Audio CD: 10 pages
Publisher: Random House Audio; Unabridged edition (March 19, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0307913686
ISBN-13: 978-0307913685
Product Dimensions: 5.1 x 1.1 x 6 inches
Shipping Weight: 9.9 ounces
Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (403 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,769,918 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #12 in Books > Books on CD > Authors, A-Z > ( B ) > Brooks, Terry #983 in Books > Books on CD > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction #1147 in Books > Books on CD > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Fantasy
This book picks up right after the first book "Wards of Faerie" and it just gets worse for the group of heroes. The Ard Rhys and party are still in the Forbidding and that is bad, very bad, and Aphenglow Elessedil has taken her sister to the Bloodfire to renew the Ellcrys, but the idiot humans are pursuing them thinking there is magic to be found. And the elves are starting to get ready for the failing of the Forbidding. And another quest to bring back a former druid is underway (which I won't spoil). There are a lot of storylines going on, and some get skipped for a while, but its all good, because its like chaos is going on in The Four Lands, and that's how the story flows.Brooks is not being nice here, it's one of his darkest series (and this book specifically) that he has ever written, and I like it. It remind me of his earlier work like The Elfstones of Shannara" which is his best work, in my opinion, and so far these first two books are as good as anything he has written. You know somehow this is going to end up fine in the end, but right now after reading this second book in the series I don't know how, as he's just decimated everyone that was introduced in the first book in this series. It's very exciting, and it's been making me turn the pages as fast as I can read wanting more. Great stuff; the best Brooks in a long while, and highly recommended!
Gotta say this three book series, so far, has reminded me so much of the original three books (Sword, Elfstones and Wishsong) and the Heritage series. Complex, suspenseful, and extremely entertaining. I am on the edge of my seat reading these like I was when I was a teenager reading the orginal series, and again in my twenties reading the Hertiage series.I've always been impressed with Mr Brook's ability to captivate me as he weaves his stories, from the word and void series, to the Landover series (which I read while deployed in Iraq). I might add that I have never laughed outloud while reading a book till the Magic Kingdom for sale...Sold book.Shannara continues, in my opinion, to the best best fantasy series that exists. Nothing comes close to it now, and I believe that everything that comes afterwards will be compared to it.Good job Mr Brooks, keep up the great work!
I have been long a fan of of Terry Brooks and the Shannara series.So, my purchase of the trilogy (this is volume two in this most recent series) is not unexpected.Though I did not find myself as deeply engrossed by this series, and felt that the conclusion in the final volume was a bit too easy-peasy, it was a decent read.However, compared to Terry Brooks' earlier works, I found this trilogy a bit cookie-cutter, and less interesting overall.Sorry, Terry, you've written better, IMHO.Respectfully,MJR
Brooks has been described as several things, but two descriptions that plague him regularly are "One-Trick Pony" and "...that guy who writes soft fantasy" in description of his seeming inability to write bittersweet endings. With The Measure of the Magic: Legends of Shannara he proved that he can do bittersweet, but with this new novel he proves he can do brutal.Between heads on spikes, underlying sexual tones, and a Straken Lord wanting to kidnap a former witch, turn her into his slave queen, and sire heirs on her with or without her permission with a very rape-y vibe this is Brooks writing for adults. The plot is more complicated, the characters are a shade darker in terms of personality, and the story itself contains just enough light-hearted and familiar elements pertaining to older Brooks novels that its recognizable as his work.Some elements of this one would be off putting to fans of his former work (the implied rape above is one of them, the brutality of the heads on spikes is also something that is slightly farther than he's gone before) and his style (that requires a lot of former world knowledge and reading) would be off putting to new fans, but in the end this is simply Brooks writing for himself and you can tell he's having more fun than he's had in awhile. He has latched on to a specific set of characters (Grianne Ohmsford in particular) who have dominated the last few stories in this era and he's still in love with them enough to make them shine.Buy it after buying the first one, you won't be disappointed.
The members of the Druid Quest for the missing elfstones balances on a knife's edge. Khyber Ellessedil and her companions are trapped in the Forbidding discovering just how much danger the Four Lands are in. Railing Ohmsford and the rest of the company await them in the Fangs fighting off hordes of Goblins who've slipped through gaps in the crumblind Forbidding. Meanwhile in Arborlon the Elcrys has chosen a successor, and in the Federation the assassin Stoon serves a new mistress with mysterious ends in mind.Once again Terry Brooks has woven a page turner of a tale that brings elements from earlier works like "The Elfstones of Shanarra" with story lines of more recent books like "Antrax" and "Ilse Witch." There is enough uncertainty about what will happen to keep you going even as you draw on what you know from earlier books. Long time fans will enjoy it, but if you are new to the series you should start with "The Sword of Shannara."
Bloodfire Quest: The Dark Legacy of Shannara Witch Wraith: The Dark Legacy of Shannara Wards of Faerie: The Dark Legacy of Shannara The Sword of Shannara: The Shannara Series, Book 1 The Annotated Sword of Shannara: 35th Anniversary Edition (The Sword of Shannara) The Measure of the Magic: Legends of Shannara (Legends of Shannara Duology) The Elves of Cintra: Genesis of Shannara (Genesis of Shannara Series) Legends of Shannara Bearers of the Black Staff by Terry Brooks Unabridged CD Audiobook (Legends of Shannara) The First King of Shannara (The Sword of Shannara) The Sharing Knife, Vol. 2: Legacy (Legacy (Blackstone Audio)) Chasing Portraits: A Great-Granddaughter's Quest for Her Lost Art Legacy Algonquin Spring: An Algonquin Quest Novel (An Algonguin Quest Novel) I Am Algonquin: An Algonquin Quest Novel (An Algonguin Quest Novel) Elephant Quest Elephant Quest (Adventures Around the World) Copper Beach (Dark Legacy) High Druid of Shannara: Jarka Ruus Morgawr (The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara, Book 3) Antrax (The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara, Book 2) The High Druid's Blade: The Defenders of Shannara Armageddon's Children (Genesis of Shannara Series)