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Winston Churchill possessed an iron will and a subtle conscience. His staunch patriotism, tenacity, appetite for a fight, and, above all, his towering rhetoric inspired the British people to mount a gallant defense of their island nation. Having set a new bar for national heroism, he earned a place in the pantheon of the world’s greatest leaders.Churchill, a fearless soldier, was a veteran of countless battles and a rider in one of Britain’s last cavalry charges. He was also a gifted writer, a winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, whose war reporting made his name and whose books outlived him. A bon vivant who loved his brandy and cigars, he was also a devoted husband whose marriage was a lifelong love affair. By any measure, Churchill was a giant.But the man was far from perfect. He was a hero, yes, but a human one. He could be petty, irascible, and self-centered; it was bred in his bone that white Englishmen were born to lead the world and all others to be led. His mistakes cost billions of dollars and thousands of lives, but he had courage and a born politician’s sense of the public stage.In the end, Churchill became a regal figure whose life came to symbolize defiance of tyranny in the face of impossible odds. Here is his story.

File Size: 8034 KB

Print Length: 151 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: New Word City, Inc.; 1 edition (March 3, 2014)

Publication Date: March 3, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #249,149 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #412 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People > Presidents & Heads of State #656 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > History > Europe > England #752 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Historical > Europe > Great Britain

I dont understand what the 5-star reviews are based on. this book is very poorly edited, has very little information, and does ot provide any real insight to churchill's complex personality.I only completed the book because I am trying to decide whether it was written by 1) a high school sophmore 2) some kind of experimental computer program, or 3) oerhaps as a joke.I chose the book based on the reviews and now I have less trust ofor the review process.If I were grading this as a high school history class term paper I would rate it C- for content and D for grammar/editing.

I have read many books about Churchill. This particular book was well-written and was easy to read, but appeared to me to be a brief summary of all of the other books I had previously read. I can not recall reading even one piece of new information about this remarkable human being in this book.Good for someone seeking a cursory knowledge about Winston Churchill.

I was disappointed with this book. It was far below my thirst for in depth knowledge of the life of Sir Winston Churchill. A junior high school student could use it in an introductory discovery method of Sir Winston Churchill's life and hopefully read something more developed in the future.

Appears to be chronologically accurate; but Churchill's strength of character was most pronounced in his eloquent interactions with others. This chronicle fails to flesh out the character of Churchill that made him the apotheosis of leadership. Perhaps this is best accomplished in Churchill's own memoirs. rck

After reading about Abraham Lincoln who came nearly a century earlier, this book underperformed greatly. Very little learnt about Churchill. I would still look for another author since am not satisfied with this.

If your are like me, you don't have time to read a 1000 page biography. This short little bio about Churchill is just right for busy people. If you are a scholar or researching specific areas of Churchill's life then you will be disappointed with this. But for the rest of us, it gives us an introduction into an amazing man's life!

Churchill, a well-written history of Winston Churchill, is an inspiring and informative book. It is well written prose. I enjoyed seeing Churchill's emotions and motivations behind the well-documented facts.

I loved this work of art, well written, funny and enlightening about one of the world's great men-Winston. The author kept to his subject well, and accurately portrayed Churchill as he actually was--brilliant in thinking, in writing and in speaking--especially when it came to debating critics in the British highbrow section, the House of Commons, the newspapers,et al.He was raised up to save his nation, to destroy despots(Hitler) and to warn against the evil of communism. "Never give up; never, never give up" Right on, brother.

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