Holocaust: The Greatest Lie Ever Told
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"All truth passes through 3 stages. First it's ridiculed. Second, it's violently opposed. Third, it's accepted as being self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer1. International Red Cross records refute "official" death toll.Sealed and guarded since the end of WWII at Arolsen, Germany, the Officials IRC records reveal the actual Concentration Camps total death toll was 271,3012. Number of death at Auschwitz revised in 1989 from 4.1 million to 1.5 million. "Official" account of 6 million death remain unchanged.3. American gas chamber expert Dr. Leichter visited all sites and testified that supposed gas chambers "incapable" of supporting gas executions. No scientific proof of Jews exterminated.4. Auschwitz Museum Curator admitted Russians created the infamous "homicidal gas chamber" post-war, by altering a German bomb shelter. Gas chimney was added by Soviets after the war.5. No "Prussian blue" staining found on the walls of any supposed death chambers. Forensic evidence of gassings only found in delousing chambers, where Zyklon B was used to disinfect the prisoners clothing and bedding; to stop the spread of typhus epidemics.6. The obsessive invocation of the cabalistic fable of "6 million dead or dying Jews" dating back at least four decades prior to the events of WWII directly undermines and betrays the notion that 6 million Jews perished in Europe between 1939-1945.7. The "truth" that fear of investigation. Questioning any aspect of the Holocaust can land you in prison in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Czech, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Switzerland. Many had been beaten, humiliated and even killed for doing so.8. According to Jewish World Almanacs, the world's Jewish population increased from 1933-1948. From 15,315,000 to 15,753,000 of Jews. Where the 6 million drop?Why can't we ask questions? Why is Holocaust dogma defended with such vitriol? "Histories were written by the victors." - Winston Churchill"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." - Voltaire "Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses." - Plato"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic." - Dresden JamesScience, documents and common sense collide with religious dogma.In the age of information, ignorance is a choice. You have at your fingertips, limitless of supply of knowledge. So if you want to base your perception of history not on your own research but on the controlled mass media and the garbage that comes out of Hollywood, then go ahead. Hollywood which is controlled by the very same people, who have vested financial and political interest in promoting their own version of history. Hollywood's depiction of the World War 2 and the Holocaust is as accurate as their depiction of the Wild West "The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent, guilty and to make the guilty, innocent, and that's the power. Because they control the minds of the masses." - Malcolm X

File Size: 601 KB

Print Length: 31 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Think Tank Publicatios (January 12, 2016)

Publication Date: January 12, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #88,394 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #22 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 45 minutes (22-32 pages) > History #36 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Biographies & Memoirs > True Crime > Hoaxes & Deceptions #60 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > True Crime > Hoaxes & Deceptions

Disgusting Holocaust denier should visit with survivors and watch the film footage. If you are not a neo-nazi don't waste your time on this utter piece of garbage. However, thank you for publishing this, it is always important to see the lies that people believe instead of hiding them away. The truth of the horror of the Holocaust shines like a beacon compared to the lies of nazi sympathizers.

To even suggest that millions were not murdered is baffling. I can't even begin to describe the ignorance in this book. There are people still alive today that were there and witnessed this mass murder then to have someone like this person tell them they are liars? Despicable.

Too much evidence against your theory, Ellie. Educate yourself. Read way more on this subject. Examine the evidence for yourself. Someone has taught you a pack of lies, or you have chosen to believe the lie for your own personal reasons. Anti-Semite? Just wondering. I guess all those chimneys were for baking bread??

This poorly written essay is terrible and worthless to read. Only one redeeming feature here: the math. The author is convincing that the Nazis could not have murdered six million but doesn't say how many actually were slaughtered, even one was too many. Don't read.

Don't try and tell me that millions of people, children included, decided to tattoo themselves for the hell of it. Why don't you read what President Eisenhower said when he was commander of the armed forces, and I quote "Take pictures of the starving and the dead and the concentration camps, because some bastard will come along and say it never happened." You are a sick woman who needs to educated herself on World War II and what the German savages did to the Jews.

I cannot believe would even sell filth like this!!! What is wrong with people?? I have met many survivors and to try to downplay the magnitude is unacceptable.

There never was a "6 million Jews" It was "6 million Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, mentally challenged, disabled" (etc.) To the author. You are a spineless neo-fascist. Your lies are something only Goebbels could love.

Do really expect me to believe that six million Jews can be like they never existed.Go see if the survivors are alive your they are a lie! Your saying they never went the holocaust is a insult to your very writing skills.This book should be called the The Greatest Lie Ever Told because that is what this is.

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