File Size: 2352 KB
Print Length: 272 pages
Publisher: Pen and Sword Military (July 2, 2014)
Publication Date: October 19, 2014
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #213,078 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #109 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Law > Criminal Law > Law Enforcement #117 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > History > World > Modern #150 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > Specific Topics > Intelligence & Espionage
An excellent story describing the training of the British combatants in the War on the IRA terrorists in the 1980's.Some of the actual operations in this struggle are quite fascinating. Overall, an exciting, hard to put down read.
The book provides an insight into the training regime and daily activities for members of 14 Company. The book has details of some of the operations undertaken. Perhaps the story has too many details in places, but on the whole you get the message. If you are interested in special forces actions in Northern Ireland, this book is a must-read book.
Interesting first hand account of the work of a British special forces unit,who's main weapon is stealth, not violence.Gripping descriptions of anti terrorist operations, where the aim is to gather intelligence, without the enemy knowing they have even been "visited".The book follows the story of one officer, from training(which includes acting lessons) through a tour of duty, to his last day in the military as he serves in highly secret unit.Not a record of a lot of shoot outs, but a fascinating peek into the world of military intelligence...Highly recommended
I really enjoyed this book, and would recommend it to anyone who is interested in military history.This is an insider's story of selection & training to join a secret group within the British Military. It is fantastic to see what really happens on the inside of anti-terrorism units. This book has a 'real' feel to it, compared to the many fictional stories that I have read. There is no glorification of violence, and the author emphasises his commitment to 'rule of law' throughout the book.Whilst there is no fictional 'cliff-hanger' situations, I got a real sense of the boredom of being on a stakeout, or being undercover in hostile territory, and fearing for discovery.
Excellent read, he tells of his selection to work with 14 Int. He didn't know at first what he was entering into, he just wanted a change from everyday life in the army and did he get a change. This is a good illustration of the non compromise standard to work at such a high level, when your and your friends' lives depend on a cool head. I wish it was longer or there was another follow up book.
An amazing story of the hidden operations going on in Northern Ireland during the troubles, and the absolutely grueling training undertaken by 14 company of the special intelligence service. The story includes a lot of "radio work" which can be initially confusing until you really put your mind into the situation that James was in at the time, then it is like you were there yourself, and you can almost feel the tenseness of the situation. Respect to the guys of 14 company who risked their lives daily to protect innocent lives on both side (and indirectly those back on the mainland). As James said, a murderer is a murderer regardless of which side they are on.
A well-written account of a nearly unknown (in the US) special operations unit in Northern Ireland. Never mind James Bond, these people are in the thick of it, stopping the terrorists before they kill again. The understated tone is a refreshing change from the American Hollywood "cool", done by pretty people whose acting skills are tiresome at best. Do yourself a favor, turn off the "idiot box" and read this book. Then cancel your cable service.
I'm an American so I don't know much about the Troubles. I found this book well written and very interesting because it related the story about how one man joined the British Army and eventually joined a special cadre devoted to keeping the peace. The training regimen was amazing and much different from that of other British or American special forces. And then the retelling of actual events was superb.I'm going to buy several copies for friends.Highly recommended.
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