Terror On Wall Street, A Financial Metafiction Novel (Wall Street Series Book 1)
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100% chance of failure, with hope in the forecastA "shock and awe" wild mix of fiction and non-fiction from the best selling author critics hail as 'one of our strongest thriller writers on the scene.'The year is 2020, and the world is on the brink of economic collapse.  Can a group of "whiz kids" students led by an absent-minded economics professor and a 24 year old girl save us? The crash of the stock market has created a rippling effect of disastrous proportions.  Banks have failed, and people are rioting in the streets of the cities, which are on fire.  Rolling blackouts have given way to entire system failures.  University of Chicago Economics Professor Harry Mason, advisor to U.S. presidents and the Treasury Department, has gathered his dream team of "whiz kids," the brightest and the best graduate students in Economics, for a special laboratory class.  Their mission: to save the world.  But is it too late?Fiction author Kenneth Eade and non-fiction author Gordon L. Eade team up to give you a meta-fiction thriller designed to show how to survive the next crash.Discover what critics are saying about this meta fiction financial thriller:"An homage to a father and another first class novel from Kenneth Eade!" Grady Harp, Top 100, Hall of Fame and Vine VoiceDiscover what readers already know about this revealing book on the world economy:"I believe if I had read this book 30 years ago, I would have a lot more money in the bank today. Do not be fooled by the fact it is described as fiction. The fiction is simply used to bring forth facts. I will be using some of the facts that I learned to improve my investment returns."L. Klopping"Should be read by everyone, learned so much. Year 2020, world economy is collapsing. This book and all the articles after the "Afterword" are to teach us how survive the next crash."Tulay C."Reading this book put me very much in the state of mind I was in during the Presidential race of 1992 listening to Ross Perot, telling of his predictions for the economic future of this country. We all knew he was absolutely correct, maybe somewhat understated, and we numbly sat their while the elite, using the media, cast him as a clown. It is not a question of if, it is merely a question of when. You do not have to be psychic, you need only do the math."JC Stadler"A well-written, easy thriller to read, this is actually a financial survivalist book with a scholarly twist. If you have any savings at all, you should read it. If you liked The Big Short, this book travels the same road, but in defensive rather than aggressive mode. The book is written by Gordon L Eade, father of the political-legal-ecological thriller writer, Kenneth Eade. Like all the Eade books it is based on real complex events and systems, but tells its tale through its characters."NerodogScroll up now and buy the most revealing financial thriller of 2016 that doubles as a stock market investing for beginners guide on how to weather the next financial crisis

File Size: 788 KB

Print Length: 460 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Times Square Publishing; 2 edition (December 13, 2015)

Publication Date: December 13, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B015B83G0Q

Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #55,430 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #10 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Economics > Money & Monetary Policy #42 in Books > Business & Money > Economics > Money & Monetary Policy #477 in Books > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction > Dystopian

A well-written, easy thriller to read, this is actually a financial survivalist book with a scholarly twist. If you have any savings at all, you should read it. If you liked The Big Short, this book travels the same road, but in defensive rather than aggressive mode. The book is written by Gordon L Eade, father of the political-legal-ecological thriller writer, Kenneth Eade. Like all the Eade books it is based on real complex events and systems, but tells its tale through its characters. The lead character is an economics professor who brings together the most gifted in his class to make a presentation to a televised government meeting during a future total meltdown of the US and global economy. The meltdown has similar impacts of social chaos to more traditional disasters, like earthquakes. The causes of the crisis and the way to fix it are discussed in a sophisticated but easy to follow way. Whilst he is telling this story, Gordon Eade is also telling the reader how to invest their own money and what you can and cannot believe about investment strategies and whom to trust. Among other ideas discussed is neurological investing theory, where people will invest more if there is a lot to be won, even if the odds are very poor; whether you can trust brokers at all; and what all those strange acronyms actually mean. Stripped of hype, at the end a referenced appendix lays out the reality of the markets and how to survive them step by step. The main character is poignant because he is at the beginnings of alzheimers, knows it, and attempts to deal with it. In fact, we learn that the older of the writers, Gordon, was or is actually going down that road himself. How many of us, as well as fearing financial disaster compromising our retirements, also fear neurological disaster as we age?

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