Series: John Puller Series
Audio CD
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing; Abridged edition (March 27, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1619690039
ISBN-13: 978-1619690035
Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.8 x 5.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (3,204 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #104,861 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #7 in Books > Books on CD > Authors, A-Z > ( B ) > Baldacci, David #92 in Books > Books on CD > Mystery & Thrillers #154 in Books > Books on CD > Literature & Fiction > General
The new book from David Baldacci "Zero Day" introduces us to a new hero, John Puller. Like in his other books David Baldacci the plot develops quickly and makes you root and care for the hero. He is a army Special Agent who prefers field work to advancement in the military ranks. He is called to investigate a case in rural area in West Virginia, and unravels a conspiracy that reaches well beyond the borders of West Virginia borders. The plot is fast-moving, enjoyable, and unpredictable. Just when you think you know what is happening Baldacci takes the story in a new direction.I got this book on a vacation day when I was supposed to do a slew of errands... however, I could not put the book down and wound up reading the book all day turning my chore day into a fantastic trip into imagination and adventure.The book ends in a way that makes you think we will be seeing this hero again, and I am looking forward to it.Ali Julia review--------------------------P.S.I "discovered" David Baldacci only about a year ago. My plan is to read all David Baldacci books, so I put this list together with all the books and which series they belong to, I hope someone else will find this list useful as well.David Baldacci book by publication yearAbsolute Power (1996)Total Control (1996)Winner, the (1997)Saving Faith (1999)Simple Truth, the (1999)Wish You Well (2000)Last Man Standing (2002)Christmas Train, the (2002)Split Second (2003) King&Maxwell seriesHour Game (2004) King&Maxwell seriesCamel Club, the (2005) Camel Club seriesFries Alive!
I just don't buy into the Lee Child - Jack Reacher clone idea. If I wrote the book, sure, call your lawyer, Lee - I'm not creative enough to think of such a good plot. But Baldacci made his bones a LONG time ago. He has a long track record of superior writing. Every now and then, there will be some plot overlap within genres, and thrillers are no exception.Zero Day is written with all of Baldacci's usual skill and perhaps even a little bit more energetic dialogue.The novel is set in the coal fields of West Virginia. That's my home. And so I look at this with an unusually critical eye for accuracy as will was for perceptions of disrespect - Believe me, West Virginians are REALLY touchy.I hit the annoyance button on both accuracy and respect, but I'm not sure if that's fair. If I read something set in, say, Washington State, I won't know what's true and what's not, because I've never been there. That doesn't keep me from enjoying the book.Coal mining is a background theme of Zero Day. The health effects of mining are made up from whole cloth. For instance, there's no explosion of childhood cancer rates around coal mining. This not say that coal mining is good for you - the effects are simply more subtle and some would say more insidious. Baldacci suggests that surface mining does not take place because of extraction costs but because it uses fewer workers. That one is just a head-scratcher - it's all about money. And Baldacci seems to think that it's hard to find coal. Nope, not even. It's not like the old oil and gas wildcatter days when the developer took a chance on a dry hole. Coal seams are very well know, and the development work is about the details of extraction.And Zero Day's portrayal of West Virginia is, well, fictional.
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