File Size: 17447 KB
Print Length: 346 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Couronne Publishing (November 6, 2015)
Publication Date: November 6, 2015
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #263,375 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #36 in Books > Business & Money > Finance > Financial Risk Management #254 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Economics > Economic History #577 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Finance
It’s interesting how restricted our so called “freedom” is when you stop to think of it. What makes it even sad is to think how distracted we have become that we don’t even get to read or see the “fine prints” of this freedom we’ve been promised.I was shocked to learn that the money in your bank account truly isn’t yours. The government has put in place, policies that can access your account with or without your permission if they so choose.This book shares with you ideas on how to protect your EARNED money. John goes on to prove from history and from events in today's times that the currency we have currently is highly probable to fail at some point in the near future.Did you know inflation is just a hidden tax that steals money from you every single day? Hun! These are truth all around us surrounding our “freedom” and ignorance isn’t bliss. Its best you know, so you can properly play your role as a great citizen and protect yourself and your family from any impending financial “collapse”.It’s definitely worth a read. “What you don’t know, could hurt you.”
This is a very interesting book about currency systems - this is what you will learn. Learn more here: What money is and how your knowledge of how it works can help you thrive.- Historical events and how closely they relate to today’s events.- How current moves with monetary policy is creating two classes: Rich or Poor.- It explains why austerity is a way of governments to first make you addicted to them and then cutting your free money to enslave you further.- Explains how having money in your bank account is becoming dangerous.- How the monetary system works- How bankers and governments enslaves us by using our currency against us and controlling it.- How governments are colluding with corporations to create monopolies.- How war is used to cover up the failure of paper money and how war creates a destruction of paper money!
Book went into great detail and was well written! I would recommend this to anyone interested in the truth behind our world economy and monetary system! Bear in mind that yes, I may be related to the author, but this book sheds light on a lot of important issues and helped me understand the state of things a lot better :) I would recommend this to anyone, because this is something everyone in the world has a right/should know about the monetary system.
I don't usually bother to write a review if it is poor but asd the other reviews for this book were so strong I went ahead and purchased it; I would like to prevent others from making the same mistake.This is a book for people that feel Wikipedia is %100 true and is the best source of information available. All Mr. Sniesen's quotes and footnotes are from the internet. The book is double spaced to create the impression that he has more to say than he does and to further pad the book, %40 is graphs and lists of companies who are "bad".There is nothing new (despite recent publication in 9/15), Banks, Monsanto, The Military Industrial Complex etc. are all out to get you and make money while stealing yours. There is no information provided as to how you can avert or ameliorate their strategy for your destruction, nothing on what must be done globally to better the world; just pages of graphs on the inflationary trend of the mark in The Weimar Republic. High school stuff which was just as much the cure for insomnia then as it is now. I want my money back and a retraction from the other reviewers.
Great read
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