Paperback: 218 pages
Publisher: Focal Press; 1 edition (July 7, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 024081441X
ISBN-13: 978-0240814414
Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 0.5 x 9.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (33 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #695,748 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #280 in Books > Arts & Photography > Other Media > Digital #282 in Books > Computers & Technology > Digital Audio, Video & Photography > Video Production #848 in Books > Textbooks > Computer Science > Graphics & Visualization
Layout is one of the first stages of the traditional animation process. It takes the unbridled creative ideas of the storyboards and turns them into properly composed scenes. Layout is also likely the most under-represented aspect of the 2D animation process when it comes to books. Unfortunately "Layout and Composition for Animation" by long time Disney veteran Ed Ghertner is a brief and somewhat muddled take on the subject.This book is a lightning fast read; one that can be easily finished in a couple hours. This is due partly to the expectedly large number of picture, but also just being very short, at just over 200 pages. It wouldn't be out of line to expect a book twice as long as this.It also wouldn't have hurt for this book to be a bit larger in the other dimensions. There are countless drawings where it's hard to read what's going on because they cross the gutter between the pages.This book reads more like a manual for Disney trainees than something released for the general public. Little, if any, of the jargon is explained, there's essentially a different topic every page or two that are all loosely grouped into chapters and as a whole it's largely inaccessible to most readers. You really need to have a decent amount of pre-existing knowledge on the subject to get the most out of this book.In fact the entire concept of layout in this book is poorly defined. Much of the early pages read more like they're about storyboarding than layout. This really could've used an introductory chapter, or at least a forward from one of Ghertner's Disney colleagues, to explain exactly what layout is and what the goals and responsibilities of a layout artist are.
I had to return this book as it fell below my expecations. Let it be known, I'm not an animator - I went to school for graphic design. So maybe this is why this book bugs me so much.I want to get into animation (if anything more of a hobby than a career b/c I'm not someone fresh out of highschool) and I thought this book would be very informative.At the beginning of the book, the author talks about how he had mentoring from a successful animator and that he feels this kind of in person mentoring/interaction is lost today for most due to the globalization of the field. I think in some ways the author was trying to give that same kind of mentoring but in book form... but it falls short because it's so vague/overassuming in the text. It assumes you know A, B, C, D, E etc already and this is just a simple "watch out for this" or "don't do this" kind of format. The example images rarely had any in detail notes to help explain or tie in the text for better understanding. Also most of the images are in B&W which aren't necessarily a deal breaker.. but makes for such a cut and rather dry book.What helped seal the deal on my return was this along with the layout of book in general... the publisher's graphic designer for this book was not trying AT ALL - or if they were it was a freshman college student's attempt after just learning InDesign... They use a san serif font for everything (apart from Papyrus for some odd reason on some examples), use a grid layout for the entire book... and are so committed to that grid that they have hyphenated words throughout.I showed the inside of the book to my husband who is not at all into design/art and even he said "What is this a children's book?
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