Betrayal: How Union Bosses Shake Down Their Members And Corrupt American Politics
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“Simply put, the leftist labor unions have the Democrats in their pockets. And we’re all paying the price.”Linda Chavez, President George W. Bush’s original choice for Secretary of Labor and a former union official, is one of the foremost authorities on America’s labor unions. Now, in the explosive new book Betrayal, she and fellow union expert Daniel Gray expose the corrupt bargain between the labor movement and the Democratic Party.Committed to a far-left political agenda—and to enhancing their own power—union bosses funnel at least half a billion dollars into Democratic coffers every year. And they do it, illegally, by using dues money that workers are forced to pay as a condition of their employment—dues money that each year brings the unions $17 billion, all of it tax-free. What do labor bosses get in return? The power to call the shots in Democratic campaigns and on party policy, extraordinary influence at all levels of government, billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded federal grants, and special legal privileges that leave them free to act as they please, no matter the consequences for the American people. The cycle of corruption is seemingly endless.Chavez and Gray name names, exposing the many politicians who are in Big Labor’s pocket—including the leading lights of the Democratic Party. Betrayal also reveals: • Big Labor’s all-out efforts in the 2004 election, including how just one local union has launched a $35-million campaign to unseat President Bush• How corrupt union officials use members’ hard-earned money to fund lavish lifestyles—and how their Democratic supporters let them get away with it • How unions flout the law by failing to report any of their political spending to the IRS• How a government report uncovered the Democrats’ sellout to Big Labor—but how the unions and the Democrats sued to keep the report from going public • How the U.S. government lets unions practice legalized terrorism against American citizens• How public-employee unions extort concessions from the government and put Americans at risk by refusing to provide vital services like policing and firefighting• How Americans now live under a system of legal apartheid—one set of rules for labor bosses, another for the rest of usAll of us foot the bill for this corrupt system. Now it’s up to us to do something about it.From the Hardcover edition. --This text refers to the Audio CD edition.

Audible Audio Edition

Listening Length: 6 hours and 18 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Abridged

Publisher: Random House Audio Release Date: June 16, 2004

Language: English

ASIN: B0002P0F58

Best Sellers Rank: #47 in Books > Audible Audiobooks > Politics & Current Events > Current Events #8026 in Books > Business & Money > Economics > Labor & Industrial Relations #8099 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > Specific Topics > Labor & Industrial Relations

I found this book to be very informative.Everyone should read this book especially if you are a union member. The extent to which union bosses are using members's dues to corrupt the political system are very disturbing.Contrary to what one reviewer posted, Linda Chavez cites a variety of sources including union publications.

Linda Chavez came up professionally through labor union channels and knows unions from a unique insider's point of view. Added to this are years of experience working with unions and watching the results of their actions. Chavez captures the unfortunate manner in which organizations that were originally designed to protect and advance workers have been irreparably corrupted. Now unions have become little more than political/economic machines themselves that abuse and steal from the very people who support them.This is an extremely well-written and documented book, presented in the smooth, readable style that characterizes Linda Chavez's works. It is a must read for all who are concerned with the underhanded political abuse that is corrupting the selection process for our elected officials. Buy it today, you will enjoy it.

If union members want more money in their pockets, this book makes it clear that the first place they should look is to the 80% of their dues that are not being spent for their benefit. And moderate Democrat politicians have a chance to reform their party before it implodes. The points are crystal clear. A fact-based, easy and compelling read.

A book the union leaders would rather you didn't read!Few teachers, for instance, are fully aware of just how political teachers' unions have become over the years and how their own hard-earned money--paid out each month in membership dues--fuels the partisan political machine that the National Education Association(NEA), for example, has converted itself into. Other major unions have gone down the same road.As the authors lay out in chilling detail, the union movement in general no longer fights for better and safer working conditions for its members--but rather for revenues and political power. The continued inflow of dues money has become an obsession at union headquarters, and what they're able to do with this mountain of wealth and just how they go about it makes for unsettling reading.A riveting look at behind-the-scenes American politics.

This book is a well-written account of the considerable influence unions have on the US political system. Unfortunatly for American workers - this influence is spent lining the pockets of union bosses.Linda Chavez once again comes through with an important book that will shake up the status quo.

This book is an excellent resource for cold hard facts about the cozzy relationship between organized labor's leaders and the Democratic party. If you ever thought that a union's national leadership was on your side you may very well rethink that after reading this book and learning what they are really up to. The stories exposed coupled with hard facts and excellent statistics make this book a "must read."

The authors cut right to the chase and provide shocking info about the dark deeds of unions, including teachers' unions. The info is pretty disturbing & quite a revelation...As an added plus, the writing style is engaging and clips along nicely.

I have worked for a union for more than 10 years and many of the things this lady talks about I have seen with my own eyes. I have been forced to "volunteer" for candidates and give money to people I don't support. Her book tells it like it is.

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