Maya Python For Games And Film: A Complete Reference For Maya Python And The Maya Python API
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Maya Python for Games and Film is the first book to focus exclusively on how to implement Python with Maya. Written by trusted authorities in the field, this in-depth guide will help you master Maya Python, whether you're a seasoned technical artist looking to make the transition from MEL to Python or an aspiring artist not wanting to scramble for information.

Hardcover: 24 pages

Publisher: CRC Press; 1 edition (September 28, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0123785782

ISBN-13: 978-0123785787

Product Dimensions: 7.6 x 1 x 9.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (22 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #159,763 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #59 in Books > Arts & Photography > Other Media > Video Games #65 in Books > Arts & Photography > Other Media > Digital #110 in Books > Computers & Technology > Games & Strategy Guides > Game Programming

This book was my first contact with Maya scripting, as well as with Python, however I had some web programming experience (jQuery and PHP) prior to learning Python, so that made my learning process a bit easier. Therefore please bare this in mind when reading my review, as your experience with this book might differ if you've never programmed before.The 375 pages of content are structured into 3 parts and I'll analyze each part below.PART 1 - BASICS OF PYTHON AND MAYA (175 pages)Even if you were a complete newbie to programming, this book has you covered, as it spends a good amount of time explaining all the basics of Python (variables, functions, sequence types, iteration, error trapping, classes etc.). The nice thing is that all examples are within the Maya context, so you can immediately understand where, when and why to use certain programming language features. This is of TREMENDOUS help to beginners, because many times programming concepts can become quite abstract if not demonstrated in a practical, application-oriented way. By the end of this part you'll know enough Python to tackle just about any scripting task in Maya.My only critique is that there could've been more of the practical examples using the Maya commands module. A few common commands are covered (select, ls, xform, get/set/add/connectAttr and a few of others), but some extra examples would've been great. Don't get this wrong: learning how just a few commands work means you'll know how to read any command documentation, so it's only a problem if you're lazy, but I think a few more (short) examples would've been welcome.PART 2 - DESIGNING MAYA TOOLS WITH PYTHON (80 pages)This part mainly deals with the Maya GUI and Qt.

This book isn't an introduction to Python first off, so it would help if you have experience with the language. I myself have used Python only a bit and this goes for any programming language actually. My current role is as an artist and not a technical director. So if I can follow this book most people should be fine.I'm still working through the book but right now the content covered has been solid. Keep in mind that this is a broad overview. While readers will focus on building bits of code here and there to do something in Maya you won't walk away from this book with a completed auto rigging system. It's an introduction to using Python with Mayas API. It shows you the ins and outs but it's up to you to stitch these concepts together to create the tools you want.(KINDLE CRIT) As for the print version I'm not sure this is an issue but with the Kindle version the example code formatting can be confusing. White spaces / indents are important in Python and as code examples become more complex indents for if, while loops, functions, etc tend to be ignored. I would imagine its hard to get this perfect in a kindle text since font size can be changed and formatting will change with device screen / window sizes. But a heads up, pay close attention to () and ; characters as these will help you format your code properly. More so when a code example spans across pages. If you have scripting experience this might be less of an issue & as you gain it through this book it becomes easier to sort out.In the end even the book is solid. Formatting aside of some of the examples this is a great text to have if you're working into TD work with Python inside Maya. Start here with this book but don't stop there.

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