Alfred The Time Traveling Dinosaur (Children's Picture Book) (Alfred The Dinosaur)
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The #1 Best Selling Journey of Time Traveling FriendshipAlfred is a dinosaur. He is big and blue and a little mean as he rules the Jurassic. But he finds himself alone, not getting to play with the other dinosaurs. Alfred has no friends and sets off a crazy time traveling adventure to find someone who will play with him. Will Alfred find the friend he is looking for? Will he find the person that can see past his bully tendencies and teach him what it is like to be a real friend? Find out in Book One of the Alfred the Dinosaur Series!This book is perfect for bedtime and any young reader!˃˃˃ 216 People Helped Create This StoryThis book was created with 216 people who voted on things like the main characters name and his color. Do you want to help tell the story and get your name in Alfred the Dinosaur: Book Two? You can join the adventure at up and grab a copy today.

File Size: 3755 KB

Print Length: 32 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Brandon Cullum; 1 edition (September 10, 2015)

Publication Date: September 10, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


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Best Sellers Rank: #13,399 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #5 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Animals > Dinosaurs #5 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Friendship, Social Skills & School Life > Bullies #30 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Friendship, Social Skills & School Life > Bullies

A captivating tale for young readers that will make them laugh and think. More than a clever story in rhyming verse, with adorable illustrations; “Alfred the Time Traveling Dinosaur” shares several lessons disguised as a kid sized adventure.Fun to read and share, this book will spark lots of laughs and conversations, while pointing out some problems with bullies and the possibilities with friends. As a bonus, within the story, young readers will be introduced to a collection of dinosaurs with interesting names.Throw in the free downloadable coloring book and even a chance to suggest future adventures for their dinosaur friend and a new fan of reading and storytelling may be the result.

Alfred the Time Traveling Dinosaur is a book written in rhyme that's interesting, tells a moral, is engaging, interactive, and just plain fun to read. Alfred can be thought of as a giant bully as he is not very nice, nor knows how to make friends. He thinks his antics are great fun until he falls upon a bit of trouble and that's where the book's adventure really begins. Find out what happens to Alfred on that day of his trouble to learn where he goes, what he does, and who he meets for a fun and interesting read. Kids will enjoy the way this book rhymes as it lays out a building story of suspense and intrigue. They will be fascinated with the kind and friendly artwork that helps tell the story with expression and vibrant colors. As this book and the next to follow was/will be created from participation from kids all around the world, it shares a special excitement with kids everywhere. This is a book that shows the true meaning of friendship and brings the world together with every adventure.

Brandon Cullum is a talented illustrator and innovative story writer. But his ability to teach kids, and remind adults, the valuable lessons that "games are more fun for two than one" is a lasting story. I hope you read this story and are reminded that to live with community- sharing- and working together is better than being a mean dinosaur.

Handsome young Brandon Cullum writes children’s books and if this debut offering is the standard he is setting for his series, he is headed for success. Apparently as youngster his dream was to become an astronaut – a key to discovering fantastic adventures. Now that he is writing he invites us along on his fantasies. Brandon is also the excellent artist illustrator for his own books.Alfred is a dinosaur who is scary and mean and love to frighten other dinosaurs such as Tri the Triceratops and Vinny the Velociraptor, but an attempt to scare Vinny, Alfred’s tail catches in a tree and Vinny walks away from the impaired Alfred, telling him that no one likes Alfred because he likes to scare them. Without help Alfred finally falls from the tree that hampers him, sees a black hole and enters it, and is transported in time to a contemporary Natural History Museum that houses skeletons of ancient dinosaurs. A ‘boy’ appears (human of course) and is unafraid of Alfred. Alfred leaves the museum and enters the New York City Zoo where he encounters strange things such as dogs (that frighten him, making him encounter another tree), sorbet stands, and ultimately meets a little girl named Chloe who helps him out of his dilemma, treats him like a friend, teaches him to write and how to play ping pong and invites him to her home in New York City. Now Alfred must decide whether to stay or return – but his important lesson is the value of making friends!Brandon has a style that is unique – fine rhymes, fun and funny situations, interesting learning session about historic topics, and lessons of meaning for children. He also happens to be a very fine illustrator! Highly Recommended. Grady Harp, September 15

I really like this book. It is a an interesting story about a dinosaur looking for friends. The other dinosaurs in his time do not really get his sense of humor so he spends his time looking for friends who will. He ends up traveling through time. It takes a little while to find someone in the new time who understands him, but when he meets Cloe his dream comes true. They become friends forever and look forward to lots of adventures together. The really cool part is that the book provides interactivity to engage the readers. At the end of the book readers are given a link to have a say in what adventures come next. There is nothing more engaging than becoming part of the adventure.

I just read this book to my two Grandsons and they loved it. It is written wonderfully in rhyme and tells the story of Alfred who is a dinosaur who thinks it is fun to scare others. However, one day this backfires on him and the result is an adventure which takes him to another time.There he learns morals and discovers the true meaning of friendship.Not only did it allow us to have a great time talking about dinosaurs, but it also unusually encourages the children the chance to decide what happens to Alfred next.

This book is adorable. My seven year old son loved the illustrations. The story was quite adorable. It was cute to see what happened to Alfred when we when forward in time. My son and I would like to see more stories in the series and can't wait for the next one.

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