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This volume contains the extraordinary book "Seven Pillars of Wisdom", as well as an amazing article titled THE EVOLUTION OF A REVOLT in which T.E.Lawrence explains his arab campaigns.The Seven Pillars of Wisdom is T.H. Lawrence's -better known as LAWRENCE OF ARABIA- major work, an account of his war experiences, edited by non other than GEORGE BERNARD SHAW. The story has inspired several movies, turning Lawrence of Arabia into a character of legend.During the war, Lawrence fought alongside Arab irregular troops under the command of Emir Faisal, a son of Sherif Hussein of Mecca, in extended guerrilla operations against the armed forces of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey). Lawrence obtained assistance from the Royal Navy to turn back an Ottoman attack on Yanbu in December 1916. His major contribution to the revolt was convincing the Arab leaders (Faisal and Abdullah) to co-ordinate their actions in support of British strategy. He persuaded the Arabs not to make a frontal assault on the Ottoman stronghold in Medina but to allow the Turkish army to tie up troops in the city garrison.The Arabs were then free to direct most of their attention to the Turks' weak point, the Hejaz railway that supplied the garrison. This vastly expanded the battlefield and tied up even more Ottoman troops, who were then forced to protect the railway and repair the constant damage. Lawrence developed a close relationship with Faisal, whose Arab Northern Army was to become the main beneficiary of British aid.

File Size: 2871 KB

Print Length: 736 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Business and Leadership Publishing (February 20, 2015)

Publication Date: February 20, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #76,985 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #10 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Biographies & Memoirs > Historical > Military & Wars > World War I #28 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People > Military > World War I #38 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > History > Military > World War I

This ebook version of 7 PILLARS, by Timeless Wisdom, has maps--which I'm gathering some digital editions might not, based on the reviews. I've also seen one painted portrait in this edition so far, and there are introductory passages by Lawrence before each set of chapters.I'm about 5 chapters in, and this version seems to have been well-scanned and corrected; so far I have not noticed a lot of typos.I don't have a printed copy to compare with, but this looks like a solid version of the book, at a very reasonable price.Hope this is helpful.

This is T.E. Lawrence's personal, exciting, first-hand account of events which led to him being forever known as "Lawrence of Arabia." What makes this book so great, apart from its autobiographical insights and dramatic depictions of wartime events, is its readability. Lawrence was a wordsmith, and this book is as great an example of how to use the English language to communicate as it is a revealing, personal memoir. I am not a big fan of books about WW1 (or any other war, for that matter, except for the American Civil War), but after reading this for the first time some 50 years ago after the movie came out (and several times thereafter), this became the rare exception. Reading this is truly a remarkable and unique experience. In 2011, when I purchased my first Kindle, this title was among my earliest ebook purchases; sad to say, that edition was not as nicely-formatted as this one (which, thankfully, is a notch above the formatting in other Timeless Wisdom ebooks I have recently purchased), and the price is certainly right. This is a classic that I can definitely and wholeheartedly recommend.

This is a "must-read" book, especially for those of us who saw the movie. One thing it revealed to me was that his desert campaign did not take place in areas where there were only vast, epic-looking sand dunes. He described the different surfaces the poor camels had to traverse, the great number of wadis and oases found in Arabia and the quality of the water found, from sweet to foul and brackish, but which still had to be drunk, the deep canyons found everywhere, the danger of being bitten by snake or scorpion and the different clans with their feuds and prejudices.."The Seven Pillars of Wisdom" is a quote from the Koran and there is a rock formation by that name in the Valley/Wadi of Rum. T.E. Lawrence describes it beautifully. He was a student of Arab culture and was always eager to learn the ins and outs of a particular dialect. I liked his interpretation of the desert culture (of that time), its rules and traditions, the meals served and customs observed, his presentation of the players in the Arab Revolt: Prince Feisal, Auda Abu Tayi, and Sherif Ali Ibn el Kharish. I loved his story of a mounted attack on a Turkish train when, all of a sudden, his camel just fell down abruptly, sending "El Aurens" cartwheeling. After the smoke cleared, he found, that during the charge, he had shot his own camel in the back of the head ! .

Way, way too long for what was said. The best parts were the first few chapters (Basically a prologue to the lead up to Lawrence's WWI experiences in the Middle East.) and the epilogue. (What happened at the end of WWI and the "peace" after.) To me there was a lot of redundancy. HOWEVER, I did learn more about WWI to add to my knowledge base for that conflict and why middle eastern people dislike and how they treat westerners. It also helps support how the US continues to get dragged into political and military involvement that were initiated by Imperialist Europe. - throughout the world. They eventually leave and the US is stuck holding the bag. I want to read some of Lawrence's other books but I think I'm going to wait a while.

Overall, I enjoyed the book, primarily the first-hand accounts of Lawrence's actions during WWI. It meandered quite a bit and was often confusing. The writing style is sometimes painful; it's not what I'd call an 'easy read.'Having already seen the movie, it was interesting to see how Hollywood depicted some of Lawrence's allies. The story took place almost 100 years ago. I mention it because, even today, it provides several insights on the region which explain current middle eastern issues, from both sides.At times, it is a rambling account of whatever seemed to be on his mind at the moment he wrote it. At other times, it was a very detailed oriented account of his actions helping lead the Arab Revolt. The problem is that it is very hard to follow the characters, who they are, their background. For example, if he wrote "I was surprised someone like Abdul would do this," you wondered exactly who Abdul was and what it was about his character, probably previously described, that made his actions a surprise. Also, in addition to having a list of major characters, I would buy an edition which has a MAP -- or you should have one ready. I found myself googling period maps to track his travels and his actions.I'm thinking about purchasing the Lowell account to see if it is a bit more coherent in style and content since Lawrence's is a very compelling story, and I'd like to learn more..

SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM (Illustrated) **** THE EVOLUTION OF A REVOLT (TIMELESS WISDOM COLLECTION Book 4770) Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph: The Complete 1922 Text Seven Pillars of Wisdom (Wordsworth Classics of World Literature) Seven Pillars of Wisdom (Bybliotech Discovery) Seven Pillars of Wisdom Seven Pillars of Wisdom (A CSA Word Classic) Ellen G. White Collection Vol. 1. 5 books. Steps to Christ, etc. (Timeless Wisdom Collection) Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes: California Edition Copper Level ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI & ST. THOMAS AQUINAS (TWO BIOGRAPHIES) (Timeless Wisdom Collection Book 1135) THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS (Timeless Wisdom Collection Book 1002) ECHOES FROM THE GNOSIS: THE 11 ELEVEN VOLUMES. THE GNOSIS OF THE MIND, THE HYMNS OF HERMES, THE VISION OF ARIDÆUS, THE HYMN OF JESUS, MYSTERIES OF MITHRA, ... ETC. (Timeless Wisdom Collection) THE GNOSTIC CRUCIFIXION, SIMON MAGUS, APOLLONIUS OF TYANA (Timeless Wisdom Collection) FOUR BOOKS. MYSTERIES; DIVINE SCIENCE, PRINCIPLE & PRACTICE; SHORT LESSONS IN DIVINE SCIENCE; VARIOUS ARTICLES (Timeless Wisdom Collection) Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt The Revolt of the Masses The Revolt of the Scribe in Modern Italian Literature (Toronto Italian Studies) Writer in Exile/Writer in Revolt: Critical Perspectives on Carlos Bulosan Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt The Good Girls Revolt: How the Women of Newsweek Sued their Bosses and Changed the Workplace Hijikata: Revolt of the Body (Solar East)