How An Economy Grows And Why It Crashes
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How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes uses illustration, humor, and accessible storytelling to explain complex topics of economic growth and monetary systems. In it, economic expert and bestselling author of Crash Proof, Peter Schiff teams up with his brother Andrew to apply their signature "take no prisoners" logic to expose the glaring fallacies that have become so ingrained in our country?s economic conversation. Inspired by How an Economy Grows and Why It Doesn?t?a previously published book by the Schiffs? father Irwin, a widely published economist and activist?How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes incorporates the spirit of the original while tackling the latest economic issues.With wit and humor, the Schiffs explain the roots of economic growth, the uses of capital, the destructive nature of consumer credit, the source of inflation, the importance of trade, savings, and risk, and many other topical principles of economics. The tales told here may appear simple of the surface, but they will leave you with a powerful understanding of How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes.

Hardcover: 256 pages

Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (May 3, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 047052670X

ISBN-13: 978-0470526705

Product Dimensions: 6.3 x 0.9 x 9.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (345 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #31,711 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #51 in Books > Business & Money > Economics > Theory

Peter Schiff did not start out as one of my regular "reading list" fact, he originally irritated me quite a bit. However, after listening to several interviews on Financial Sense as well as numerous traditional media channels/outlets, reading several of his books...and watching with my own eyes/ears his rather pessimistic prognostications come about...I changed my tune. As a college instructor and business writer, it's not easy to do a turn-about...on the other hand, watching what is taking place across this nation (and indeed the world) isn't "easy" either.However, after he announced his decision to pursue politics I expected this new book to be an extended "positioning statement". Whether you like or dislike Schiff, here is why you should read this book...and buy an extra to share with someone you care about.1. It's funny. Okay, perhaps "funny" isn't a major reason to purchase this book but there is a decidedly quirky humor underlying the writing that makes this very accessible to people that wouldn't normally enjoy reading a book about economics. Schiff does a great job keeping this accessible to every type of audience without insulting the intelligence of the fact, he takes great pains to "de-mystify" the veil of complexity that surrounds issues that should be taught to every informed citizen.2. Irwin Schiff. The father of Peter Schiff...I've read a couple of his books out of pure curiosity. While I do not personally agree with the position taken by the senior Schiff, I was utterly shocked to learn that at age 82 he remains incarcerated. Considering the recent fiasco of financial misconduct, it speaks volumes as to the priorities of the government. This book builds upon a story...and philosophy...initiated many years ago.

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