Two Strides (Show Jumping Dreams ~ Book 30)
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Cat and Emily’s mother have gone. They haven’t left a trace behind. Not one clue of where they might be and while Emily tries to pretend that she doesn’t care, deep down it hurts that her own mother would rather run off with her step daughter than stay home with her real one. After all, they gave up a life at a really good barn to take care of her and now it looks like all that was for nothing. But Emily has other things to focus on. The team show is in a few weeks. It is their last chance to get a spot in the final and Emily doesn’t want to let Duncan, the team coach, down, especially after he helped her so much. She’s also still trying to do right by all the horses at Second Chance Farm, helping Faith with Falcon, training Sunny and trying to find someone to lease Hashtag. But when a trip to Fox Run to drop off a horse turns into something else entirely, Missy and Emily will finally have the fight that has been brewing all along, leaving the fate of Socks hanging in the balance. And a horse that Emily thought she left in good hands has disappeared. What has happened to Four and can Emily get him back before it’s too late?

File Size: 1919 KB

Print Length: 136 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: May 30, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #51,022 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #15 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Sports > Individual Sports > Horses > Equestrian #21 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Animals > Horses #28 in Books > Sports & Outdoors > Individual Sports > Horses > Equestrian

I'm enjoying Ms. Svendsen's Show Jumping Dreams series. While they would certainly appeal to tweens&teens, as an older woman I'm enjoying them! Maybe I'm reliving my early years of my horses&showing. I also haven't seen one faux pas of the details about horses & showing! (Sadly there are many books about horses where the author is clueless to horses and showing!) Anyone who loves horses will enjoy these books!

Is it ever possible for Emily to not have tons of bad things happen to her or her friends? And it's not just one incident per book, there's several. Every. Single. Time.Believe it or not, I do enjoy the series. I liked the addition of someone new and someone from the past and I hope we see more of them, but the author could tone down the tragedies to maybe one per book. It would make reading them a lot more enjoyable. Oh, and what happened to the cat? Ever since Emily got Patrick, you never hear about the cat anymore. I don't even remember his name and I'm a cat person.Oh, and I'm pretty sure wet beach sand isn't slippery enough to cause a horse to fall. It's not a solid surface so the water would have mostly absorbed into the sand. A horse's hoof would more likely sink a little than sit on top and slide out from under him.The only other "complaint" is that the author had a habit of repeating things in this one. One chapter would end with a couple of sentences and the next chapter would begin with almost the same exact words, or they'd be on the next page. That's a bit annoying.

This book was amazing! I love this series and I can never put the books down. The book is action packed and thrilling, great for all ages.

Another great contribution to this already great series. I eagerly look forward to the next episode of Emily and Bluebird.

Love this series... Please keep them coming! Cannot wait to see the next twist in the road for this series.

i love this series can not wait for the next one this is a need to read i love how emilys life is so bad but so good at the same time! reminds me of my horse easter

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