WP33 - The Older Beginner Piano Course - Level 2 - Bastien
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This appealing course of study for beginners age 12 and up is designed functionally, allowing students to play and harmonize melodies from the beginning. A time-tested chord approach method that really works!

Paperback: 96 pages

Publisher: Kjos Music Company (April 1, 1994)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 084975030X

ISBN-13: 978-0849750304

Product Dimensions: 0.2 x 9.2 x 12.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 11.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (22 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #89,606 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #178 in Books > Arts & Photography > Music > Theory, Composition & Performance > Techniques #408 in Books > Arts & Photography > Music > Instruments > Piano #466 in Books > Humor & Entertainment > Sheet Music & Scores > Instrumentation > Piano

This weekend I played my way through this entire book -- minus the fingering exercises. (I already know how to play piano.)Which is good, since I think if I had used this method to teach myself, it would have been a much more difficult experience. Instead I used Alfred's Adult Piano method. I see its advantages over the Bastien method as being the following:1. The Bastien method for adults comprises only two books, whereas the Alfred's method comprises 3. Thus the Alfred's gives you more practice in difficult subjects and generally makes the pace less packed and stressful.2. The Bastien method has got some good songs, but unfortunately, this is not supposed to be a book of popular favorites. The songs here, one would think, are included solely to yield practice in the tricky concept du jour. Instead, the book will introduce the concept of playing in, say, G flat major, and only offer one song in this key! The next two or three songs following will be back in the key of G or F, reviewing stuff you don't need to review. No, no, no. I'm not here to listen to or play pretty songs: I'm here to get better. Why not more practice in the key of G flat major so you can really get the feel of the key into your blood? Nope. Instead, it's on to something easier. The entire book is like that.3. The Alfred's course goes far deeper with the student before pronouncing him finished.4. It seems like there's always something just a little off about the Bastien arrangements: "Greensleeves" has an unsatisfying bass, "O Susanna" has some weird rests, etc. The songs are not very gratifying when played strictly by what's there on the page. The ones in Alfred's, on the other hand, are always crowd-pleasers.5. Alfred's has WAY more supplementary books (a dizzying amount, really) that you can transition to seamlessly once you've worked your way through the third book. The Bastien series does not.

I have always liked the Bastien chord approach to teaching piano, but have often found the Adult course to advance a little too quickly for most students. Be aware that the first few pieces in the Level 2 book are actually easier than some of the pieces found and the end of the Level 1 book. The first unit contains folk songs with varying bass patterns; unit 2 moves into minor scales and keys. This book has worked well for my highly motivated adult student.

I enjoyed this book immensely. As a older adult player (only slightly older mind you) I wanted to refresh my skills and teach myself. With the help of this book, it was easy and quick to go through all the exercises. The layout is great and each page is simplistic and quickly gets the lesson across. I worked through the Piano Course Level 1 very quickly and then got stuck into Level 2. It's a really good instruction book for an older beginner, just like the title says.

I have been taking lessons since 2011 and I very quickly worked my way through the level 1 book so it was on to level 2 by the end of last year for me. I have enjoyed every minute of it. But this book is a really good place to start for an older beginner. At first I never thought I would ever get anywhere but I have to say I was wrong because we have taken things at my pace. With the level one book we'd go through a unit during each lesson because it was way too easy. So far for this level 2 book we've had to slow it down quite a bit because it's so challenging. The price is great as well.

I like Mr. Bastien style of teaching.I credit it to him that I can play the piano and organ by self-taught from following his instructions in the book.For those of you who wants to play a musical instrument later in life .Although , it would be nice if it has spring-wire bound. For easy placement.Buy this book.Thanks to Mr, Bastien and the sellers for making this available .GOD BLESS IN LORD JESUS NAME!

I am indeed an older beginner. This book is fantastic for beginning piano players who have tinkered around in the past or have basic music reading skills. A nice piece that'll last and be on hand for basics. Piano playing is a good form of keeping our brain active and challenged, as well as helping young students increase their math skills. It's proven! That means it'll help me with my grocery budget :-)

Great book for anyone who is picking up piano or wants to learn. Easy step by step instructions, thorough exercises. Awesome price for very helpful insight to the music realm.

The piano school is a good book to learn with a teacher as well without a teacher on your own!the book itself was used, but in good condition!

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