The Breath Of Susanowo
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"The Breath of Susanowo" is much more than a memoir about eye-opening mysterious experiences that completely changed the author's life. This adventurous real-life story also tells you surprising secret of budo (so-called Japanese martial arts).One day in 1982, a Japanese young karate champion Maeda Hiramasa met a wooden sword in a very unique form. That was his first encounter with "tsurugi". Enchanted by the met, he started studying tsurugi. That brought him to a long journey of seeking for the truth of tsurugi. In other words, he started a journey to meet the creator of the universe.How dramatically did the met change his life! He left karate where he had achieved a brilliant success, moved into a religious community in Kyoto , and worked for the spiritual leader there. However, at that time, no one knew the real usage of tsurugi, and he was the only one on the mission to find it out. What a challenging mission it was!You must be amazed by his extraordinary strong will and absolute faith in his mission. Despite continuous struggles, he always overcame his hardships. Finally he realized that tsurugi was the divine tool to connect human to the Creator, so called Kami in Japan. Then he successfully found the specific methods to move tsurugi drawing perfect spiral forms. That spiral form is the key in connecting us to the universe.The title, "The breath of Susanowo" means a subtle energy activating and uniting the universe, which is called "Kototama". That is also the energy created the universe.The author finally succeeded to embody "The Law of Kototama" in the actual physical movements and to systematize the method to learn the law. And the learning method was given the name of "Waraku" by the spiritual leader.In 2001, the author established NPO Budo Waraku in the aim of bringing peace to the world. Since then, he has been sincerely devoting himself to teach Waraku.Now Waraku is spreading in Europe other than in Japan and Maeda Hiramasa, the master of tsurugi, is still on the way of his long journey.

File Size: 17246 KB

Print Length: 78 pages

Publisher: SamuraiTimes; 1 edition (July 24, 2015)

Publication Date: July 24, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #910,299 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #236 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Sports & Outdoors > Boxing, Wrestling & MMA > Martial Arts #1119 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > Two hours or more (65-100 pages) > Sports & Outdoors #1366 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Exercise & Fitness > Martial Arts

An excellent biography of Maeda-sensei's spiritual journey from Karate champion to the developer of a new form of Budo, and the redefining of martial arts in the modern world. There are some typographical errors, but the English speaking reader will have no difficulity.

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