Twenty-Four Andy Warhol's Paintings (Collection) For Kids
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Have you ever wanted to enrich your child with the arts and humanities? or Have you ever wanted to decorate your child's room with great paintings from one of your favorite painters? Well, you can start with Andy Warhol's Paintings. Twenty-Four Andy Warhol's Paintings for Kids There are colorful, youthful, and inspirational.

File Size: 2053 KB

Print Length: 26 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: May 6, 2013

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #1,772,605 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #10 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Arts & Photography > Dance > Tap #11 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Arts & Photography > Dance > Jazz #38 in Books > Arts & Photography > Performing Arts > Dance > Jazz

Save your money. If you must buy one of these buy only one of the painter you want to look at. It may seem that there are multiple books of the same painter, but they all have the same pictures. There is no dialogue or descriptions. Just the painting and the title. You'll get more out of a library book and it won't cost you a thing. I got all of mine free through prime for free. It would have been a ripoff had I paid any money.Read the other one star. I question it because there is no content, no mispellings because it's just a collection of paintings and their titles.

I have collected over 20 different Twenty-Four Andy Warhol's Paintings (Collection) for Kids, the covers were different but the inside pictures were in the exact same order. At least each picture has a name but no other information. I used kindle from the Microsoft store to look at the pictures, the pictures are in color. Adults would enjoy as well as students.

I am nearly a half century old. Yes, I have seen Andy Warhol' s works in movies and on tv. I have seen one original on display in a museum once. I never knew he painted all of those celebrities. I LOVE the "SHOES" one; and found his camo self portrait incredible. He certainly had an imagination and really used color like no one else. Fascinating.

I acquired a new found appreciation for Andy Warhol having viewed these 24 paintings which was exactly the thing I was looking for! "Marilyn" 1967 and the Campbell soup cans were all I had really known of his work earlier, but having seen "Brooklyn Bridge" "Diamond Dust Shoes" "Butterflies"and "Basket of flowers" I have to say I really like his work now. Nicely done and good selections!

Displayed on these electronic pages is some of Warhol's best work. Two of his paintings stand out. Both, "Jackie, 1964" and "Michael Jackson" are superb portraits. This slim selection of artwork does not do Warhol justice.

Great color plates for kids of any age. Wonderful way to introduce people to some good artists. This is a nice selection of his work and yes, I'd recommend it to anyone.

I loved the variations of styles throughout his career. I would have liked to see slightly larger images but they are great for kids to get introduced to his art.

Perfect for our Classical Conversations group and also her Atelier art classes this fall. I wish I would have found them last fall but better late than never!

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