A New Kind Of Monster: The Secret Life And Shocking True Crimes Of An Officer . . . And A Murderer
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Ripped from the headlines, the horrific and astonishing true story of the double life of Russell Williams, who was at once a respected figure in the Canadian military and a ruthless sado-sexual serial criminal and murderer.In the annals of psycho-killers, Colonel Russell Williams may well be unique. A decorated air force colonel, Williams was, for years, living a double life as a sado-sexual home invader, burglar, pedophile, and, ultimately, murderer. A model officer and elite pilot, he was trusted with flying international dignitaries including Queen Elizabeth, as well as commanding Canada's most important military airbase. Yet his dark and violent secret life included breaking into 82 homes of girls and women; thefts of vast amounts of lingerie (which he dressed in); two bizarre sexual assaults that left an uncomprehending Ontario village on a knife's-edge; and eventually, two rape-murders. When police raided Williams's home--a home he shared with his wife, a respected professional in her own right who was apparently completely unaware of her husband's unconscionable double life--they found hundreds of pairs of women's underwear, meticulously organized and catalogued. In this book, veteran Globe and Mail crime reporter Tim Appleby chronicles a true story that could have been lifted from the darkest pages of pulp fiction, one that offers fascinating--and troubling--insights on human psychopathology.

File Size: 4227 KB

Print Length: 306 pages

Publisher: Broadway Books (April 5, 2011)

Publication Date: April 5, 2011

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Word Wise: Enabled

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Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #617,434 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #182 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Regional Canada #775 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Biographies & Memoirs > True Crime > Serial Killers #916 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Biographies & Memoirs > True Crime > Criminals

I bought this book after I saw one of the magazine shows like 20/20 or Dateline about the case of the Colonel who transported dignitaries by day and preyed on women at night, eventually killing 2. The book has no information, explanation, or detail I didn't see on the program. It's an okay book for an airplane readif you didn't see the program. If you did, skip it.

I'm a huge true crime buff and figured this was a must read. Russell Williams basically broke all the rules in terms of of serial killer profiling and the fact he has skirted by as a 20 year, very successful Canadian military career unnoticed made this a very interesting story. In an already very short book; the author managed to fill the pages with Williams day to day life in the military without giving any insight or any connections that led to this Canadian Military General's deprived behavior. He literally filled 3/4ths of the book with background completely irrelevant to the story. Applby even managed to crow-bar 4 pages of his own personal political beliefs into it. Again- totally without any connection to the killers story, but either for his own ego or boring filler (probably both). I'm an avid true crime reader, and I'm not exaggerating when I say this book is HORRIBLE. The very first review on the book had to either be the author himself; or somehow connected. Big stinker.

A very compelling book about a sexual predator and serial killer who had everyone fooled.While I find it acceptable to find Williams as liar and doing all he can, to this day to mask the real him.I find it disturbing that his family has circle their wagons offering little if any insight into what actually created this monster. Are they monsters as well?

A few decades prior to these events, I wore the same uniform as Williams and was stationed at both Trenton and Ottawa where this took place. So have followed this story from the beginning with both horror and fascination. More than likely, we will never know about his crimes against young girls, an area Williams refused to discuss even though his computer contained child porn plus photos of the trophies (young girls underwear) he had collected from home invasions.This book is well researched and lays out the sequence of events quite well, although it points out that this is only what he took responsibility for. Hopefully, sometime in the future, we might know what drove all of this. Although I'm guessing Williams can't answer that question.

Some of the book was interesting, but the author went on and on about military facts way too much. I didn't really get a picture of this "new kind of monster." The fact that Williams was sad over his cat's death did not convince me that he isn't a sociopath. He admitted to crimes he couldn't wrangle out of because of overwhelming evidence. That just shows me he was smart.The author also needs to take some psychology courses. He stated that Williams's obsession with dressing in women's undergarments was unusual because he isn't a homosexual. The fact is, dressing in the opposite genders' clothing has nothing to do with ones sexual orientation. The term used for that type of behavior is "transsexual;" and most transexuals are not gay. Additionally, the author referred to most killers as being, among other things, schizophrenic. Few people with schizophrenia commit murder.

I love this book. Love how the author writes. The hideous tale of Russ Williams so piqued my interest that I've not been able to get enough of reading/watching about him. I don't think we'll ever have answers that satisfy our need to know why Russ or anyone else would do these sort of things but that's just my opinion. Mostly I think he was bored, spent too much time alone, and did what he did because he could. He'd satisfied much of what he wanted in the Air Force (more than enough to tickle his fancy) and he figured it was high time to tickle some other places in his sick self.Thank you, Timothy Appleby, for your very factual and sometimes humorous way of telling the tale of Russ Williams. I pray all who knew him, especially those as close to the man as he would let them get, heal from the devastation that Russ brought to them, especially his wife, parents and brother.

I ordered this book after having seen an episode of CBS's "48 Hours Mystery" about Canadian Air Force colonel (and confessed killer) Russell Williams. This was an excellent episode and the portions of his confession which were broadcast were chilling. The author of this book, Timothy Appleby, appeared on the program so I thought that his book would be as good as the television program. While the story of Williams is fascinating because one does not think that "an officer and a gentleman" would commit such heinous crimes, the author made it less fascinating by spending too many pages relating boring details of Williams' military career. But when the book was focused on the crimes themselves, the story moved along well and was interesting. Appleby may have been hindered by the fact that Williams confessed and there was no trial. Even so, with such a compelling story, I expected a better book that I got.

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